Biorhythm, or biological rhythm determines the work of our body. It depends on the clock hands and is subject to the seasons of the year. Knowing the mechanisms of the biorhythm makes it easier to plan your time to get the best out of life.
The biological clockis responsible for the flow of energy and mood swings, better and worse condition of the heart, brain and digestive system. It indicates the best time for gymnastics, slimming, intellectual work, taking medications. Of course, each of us is different and has his own individual biological rhythm, but usually it does not differ significantly from the world average. Find out when and what is the best way to enjoy your well-being and he alth.
The natural human biorhythm, or how the body reacts to the seasons
The annual cycle is marked by changes in nature related to the path taken by the Earth as it orbits the sun. In spring, the body shifts to faster turnover, we have more and more energy. March-April is the best time to lose weight. Then the level of iodine in the body increases, the thyroid works more intensively, and this accelerates the burning of fats. Spring is a good time to start new projects. In the summer we are full of energy and generally feel good. A strong immune system makes us sick less often than in winter. We have the best physical fitness from April to June, then again in September. In autumn, when less sun looks into the windows, we lose energy. As days are shorter and shorter, the pineal gland secretes more melatonin (the sleep hormone), causing lethargy and seasonal depression. Due to a sun deficit, brain cells produce less serotonin (the hormone responsible for good mood), so we are more prone to stress.
But you can deal with it. In autumn, it is worth surrounding yourself with colors and having small pleasures. In winter, the body tunes to slower revolutions. The thyroid gland produces fewer hormones on which metabolism depends, therefore cellular metabolism is slow, and fat stores build up in the subcutaneous tissue. In order not to get fat, you have to avoid high-calorie foods - fatty foods and sweets. Due to the lack of vitamins, minerals and movement in the air, the number of white blood cells and the efficiency of the immune system are reduced, so it is easier tocatch infections. To strengthen your immunity, you should set aside at least half an hour for a walk every day. It is worth going to the sauna, swimming pool, eating citrus, silage, yoghurt - all this will mobilize the defense forces. The winter blues will be alleviated by phototherapy.
Time to work and rest - when is the best time?
The daily cycle refers to the day-night rhythm and results from the rotation of the Earth around its axis. The amount of natural light determines not only the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness, but also body temperature, the concentration of enzymes and hormones in the blood, periodic changes in metabolism, cell division and growth. The darker it gets, the more melatonin is produced by the pineal gland, which makes the body work slower and slower and we fall asleep. Then organs regenerate, toxins are removed, and cell damage is repaired. It's good to go to bed before midnight, that's when your brain rests best.
Melatonin production is falling in the morning. After waking up, the heart rate increases, blood pressure increases, the concentration of adrenaline and serotonin (it is responsible for blood pressure and body temperature, stimulates the nervous system). Individual organs and systems are activated at different times of the day, so it is important to "use" them when they are at their best, not when they are resting. We have little mental toughness in the morning. In people with a weak nervous system, after waking up, neurotic attacks or depressive states may appear, because at this time the malnourished brain works less well (the body uses its reserves during sleep). Eating breakfast will improve your mood.
We have the best mental capacity and physical condition at around 11 - it's a good time for business meetings and taking exams. From the age of 13, intellectual performance has been decreasing. The organism focuses on the work of the digestive system. The digestive juices produced in large quantities make us hungry. From the age of 15, it is worth planning activities that do not require a lot of effort and concentration. It's best to finish the work around 6 PM, because then the efficiency drops.
Throughout the day, the body regenerates itself every 1.5-2 hours - we feel tired. Take short breaks to relax. By eating according to the natural rhythm, you can lose up to 2 kg per month. We burn fats and carbohydrates more easily in the morning and store them in the evening. Therefore, breakfast should be plentiful, consisting primarily of carbohydrates, fruit and vegetables. Lunch should not be too heavy so as not to burden the stomach with additional work related to digestion. Approx. Less and less enzymes and digestive juices are released. Therefore, it is best to eat a light dinner 3 hours before going to bed, so as not to overload the stomach during the night. Caloric meals eaten after 9:00 p.m. are double fattening. Fruits high in calories (likebananas or cherries) can only be eaten in the morning.
ImportantPain is felt most strongly in the evening and at night, because the level of adrenaline and endorphins, which have a specific analgesic effect, drop. We may need a stronger painkiller then than in the morning. For asthmatics, the evening dose of medication is the most important. It must not be avoided, because most attacks of breathlessness occur in the morning. This is because the bronchial tubes contract at night and the activity of the mucous glands increases at the same time. Blood pressure is lowest at night, it rises when you wake up, and is highest in the early afternoon. Hence, blood pressure lowering drugs usually need to be taken in the morning and in the afternoon. If taken in the evening, they could excessively lower the blood pressure and lead to hypoxia of the heart or brain. Heart attacks occur most frequently in the early morning hours, usually right after getting up, when the body shifts from night regeneration to daytime activity. Doctors warn against getting out of bed.
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