Melanoma is a malignant neoplasm of the skin, which is fully curable when detected at an early stage. That is why it is so important to prevent this cancer. See if you can recognize it in the first stage of development. What skin changes should make you see a doctor?
Melanomais a skin cancer that originates from melanocytes, i.e. pigment cells corresponding to, inter alia, too dark color of the skin under the influence of sunlight. Most melanocytes are found in the basal layer of the epidermis, which is why melanoma appears on the surface of the scalp and neck, as well as on the feet, limbs, and under the nail.
Czerniak - causes of formation
The main cause of this cancer is the excessive exposure of the body to the sun's raysand insufficient protection against them.
Other factors contributing to the formation of melanoma are:
- mechanical and chemical irritation of the epidermis,
- genetic factors
- and low pigment content in the skin.
Czerniak - how to recognize it yourself?
Observation of the skin is the basis for the diagnosis of melanoma. If we have moles on our skin and they have recently changed shape or color, it is worth taking an interest in them. Especially if the change is sudden and very visible.
Czerniak is distinguished by asymmetry , so any change that has uneven edges should already be suspect for us. A birthmark that has changed color should also be observed.
Contrary to appearances, as prof. dr hab. n. med. Piotr Rutkowski, melanomadoes not necessarily have to be black . Its color may be brown, purple, it may also be pale. Therefore, we should not be influenced by the color of the skin lesion, but rather by its unevenness and size.
Every lesion over 5-6 mm qualifies for a visit to a dermatologist. Our vigilance should also arouse the emphasis on the birthmark or its redness.
How to recognize melanoma? Photos
See gallery 4 photosHow to diagnose melanoma?
When we notice a disturbing skin change, it is necessary to see a dermatologist. There, a specialist will carefully examine the skin with a dermatoscope or videodermatoscope,qualifying us or not for further diagnostics.
If the dermatologist suspects melanoma, he will send us for a biopsy, during which the lesion is removed. The pathologist, who then examines the skin section under a microscope, decides whether it is melanoma or some other non-cancerous lesion.
It also determines the severity of the melanoma, whether it is deep or infiltrates other skin tissues, and how treatment should be directed.
Additional tests that are performed during the diagnosis of melanoma are:
- blood count,
- liver tests
- Is lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) present.
In addition, it is performed:
- ultrasound of lymph nodes,
- ultrasound of the abdominal cavity
- or a chest X-ray.
Czerniak - prevention. How to protect yourself from it?
Protective creams with UV filter
Primary prophylaxis of melanoma is to protect the skin against UV rays, including those that come from sources other than the sun, e.g. from a solarium.
Proper protection of the skin against sun exposure includes both appropriate clothing (in countries with a high degree of sunlight, these are densely woven fabrics), as well as wisely selected cosmetics with a high UV filter.
When choosing such a cosmetic (usually a cream or emulsion), it is worth knowing not only the marking of the factor number on it, but also knowing what it refers to.
For example, a cosmetic with SPF 15 means that a person who uses it can spend 15 times longer in the sun than if they were exposed to the sun without the cream.
The phototype determines how much time you can expose your body to sunlight without using a special cosmetic.
- Phototype I- people with fair skin, often with freckles, red or blonde hair, and blue or green eyes. They can stay in the sun for 10 minutes without sunscreen, without the risk of getting burned.
- Phototype II- fair skin, sometimes freckles, blonde or brown hair, blue and green eyes, rarely hazel. People with this phenotype can stay safely in the sun for 15 minutes.
- Phototype III- dark skin, no freckles, dark blonde or brown hair. The permissible time of staying in the sun without sunscreen is about 20 minutes.
- Phototype IV- slightly swarthy skin, no freckles, black or dark brown hair, dark eyes. These people can be exposed to the sun without sunscreen for 30 minutes.
Things to remember when doingusing sunscreen?
Applying the sunscreen cream must be repeated after each time it is wetted in water and after the time of its operation.
If a person with phototype II can safely stay in the sun without cream for 15 minutes, and after applying SPF 15 cosmetic - fifteen times longer, it means that after 225 minutes (less than 4 hours), he must repeat the application of the cream .
For the cream to work properly, it must also be applied in the right amount. This means that an adult should apply an amount of cream equal to at least a golf ball.
Protection against sunburn
Protection against melanoma is not just for adults. Children have much more sensitive skin than adults, so they should be especially protected against too much sun exposure.
For both ages and minors, it is important to protect against sunburn, which may accelerate the onset of melanoma in the future.
One childhood sunburn with blisters increases the risk of skin cancer by 50% .
A burn of this degree damages DNA, which makes the area of the skin covered by it for the rest of life more sensitive than the other parts, and melanoma may develop on its surface.
Taking care of immunity
According to Dr. M. Ziobra, the formation of melanoma is also associated with the weakening of the immune system. Therefore, in order to reduce the risk of skin cancer, it is worth strengthening your immunity with:
- diets,
- appropriate vitamin C and D supplementation,
- or a hygienic and active lifestyle.
Find out more:
- Melanoma: causes, symptoms, treatment
- Nodular melanoma - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment