In most cases, hemorrhoids, i.e. haemorrhoids, are caused by lifestyle - lack of exercise, poor diet. Compare the list of factors that favor them with the list of your habits and see how hard you try to have hemorrhoids. Think about it, maybe it's worth changing something to avoid haemorrhoids?
Statistics say that half of Poles suffer from hemorrhoids. There are definitely more women than men among them. It may surprise you, buthaemorrhoids , popularly known as hemorrhoids, have all of us, and they perform an extremely important function. Filled with blood, they seal the anal canaland, together with the muscles, allow you to control defecation and gas. The nerve impulse, which feels like pressure, causes the blood to empty of blood, allowing you to pass stools.
Some people have hemorrhoids too stretched
Hemorrhoids overstretched fill with blood excessively and do not empty completely. As a result, the inflammation of the nodules and the area around the anus occurs, referred to as haemorrhoidal disease (haemorrhoids). There is itching, which may be accompanied by a feeling of moisture in the area of the anus, sometimes the patient has the impression of incomplete bowel movement. Another symptom is slight bleeding, most often during a bowel movement, prolapse of nodules (in the advanced stage of the disease, the hemorrhoids are stuck outside the anus) and pain. The disease can happen to anyone, regardless of age. However, certain factors increase the risk. You have to eliminate them from life as much as possible. Then you will have a good chance that the disease will pass you by, and if it does, you will defeat it quickly.
Hemorrhoids: poor diet favors them
Dietary mistakes are the leading risk factors. We eat too many fatty foods, high calories, crisps, white rolls, bars and cookies.
- wholemeal bread, thick groats, wholemeal flour pasta;
- vegetables - such as radishes, carrots, beets, tomatoes, various types of cabbage (including sauerkraut), corn, celery, onion, lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, artichokes, legumes;
- fruits - such as apples, plums, pears, peaches, blackberries, currants, blueberries.
Why is it so important? The fiber that makes up the walls of plant cells absorbs water but does not dissolve in it. ThanksThis property softens the stool and increases its volume, and accelerates the intestinal peristalsis, regulating bowel movements. Too little of this ingredient in the daily diet forces the intestines to work harder and leads to constipation. Then, during defecation, there is a stronger pressure and stretching of the mucosa around the anus. But dietary mistakes are also not enough fluids - you should drink 2-3 liters of fluids a day: mineral water, herbal or fruit teas.
Avoid fast food - the fat and sugar they contain are conducive to constipation, which can lead to inflammation of the hemorrhoids, i.e. a homoroid disease. You should also limit eating chocolate, nuts, food that causes flatulence, spicy spices, and drinking high-percentage alcohol, coffee, as they disrupt the intestines.
Lack of exercise is also conducive to hemorrhoids
The development of civilization on the one hand, and the burden of duties on the other, mean that most of us, regardless of our profession, sit in front of a computer or other device all day, while in our free time we choose TV or the Internet. Instead of walking, we drive everywhere by car. Spending many hours in a sitting position causes a pressure disturbance in the venous system around the anus. That is why haemorrhoids are more common among horse riders, computer users, drivers and cyclists. To prevent this from happening, you need to include your favorite sport in your daily activities. It's not about breaking records in the gym. It is enough to systematically walk, exercise, run or go to the swimming pool to support lazy intestines. If you have a sedentary job, take a short break every hour, stretch your legs, take a few deep breaths in and out (using the diaphragm). Give up the elevator and take the stairs instead of walking by car. When reading or watching TV, lie down instead of sitting.
Constipation - a straight path to hemorrhoids
They are usually the result of a poor diet and lack of exercise, but more and more often this common ailment is caused by living in a hurry, it affects neurotic people. Another factor contributing to constipation is the slowdown in metabolism with age and the use of medications, e.g. sedatives, antitussives with codeine, indigestion, hypertension or iron supplements. Regardless of what caused the constipation, you need to get rid of the problem as soon as possible. Because sitting on the toilet for too long and tightening the abdominal muscles leads to an overload of the venous system in the pelvis and the anus area, and consequently to enlargement of hemorrhoids. It is worth abandoning the habit of reading in the toilet -a physiological action should only take as long as necessary. You should know that the disease affects people suffering from diarrhea caused by laxatives (they irritate the rectal mucosa) more often, so you should always follow the doctor's instructions when taking them.
Obesity, circulatory failure, anal sex - they promote the formation of hemorrhoids
The disease more often affects obese people, with chronic circulatory failure, after operations around the anus and perineum, who practice anal sex. It may be the result of cirrhosis of the liver, tumors of the end of the colon and reproductive organ. Due to the lower muscle tension, it more often develops in the elderly. There is also talk of a genetic predisposition to haemorrhoids (it may be connective tissue failure or stiffness of the venous walls around the anus and perineum).
Hemorrhoids - a nuisance for pregnant women
Hemorrhoids are favored by pregnancy and related hormonal changes. But this is not the only reason why hemorrhoids develop during this period. Sometimes the growing fetus puts pressure on the venous system, obstructing the outflow of blood, and impairs the functioning of the intestines. The moment of dissolution is also dangerous. Strong pressure during labor can lead to the enlargement of the nodules. But usually after childbirth, hemorrhoids reduce on their own and do not require treatment. However, they cause trouble more often to women who have had several children.
What are hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are the widening of the veins in the rectum, at the end of the anus. Each of us has these veins. However, the problem begins when there is increased pressure in the system of these veins, when there is blood stagnation in this area or abnormalities in the structure of the vessels. What causes hemorrhoids? Can their appearance be prevented? These questions are answered by our expert - surgeon Jacek Waligóra from Medicover Hospital in Warsaw.
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