The antigen test is one of the tests for the coronavirus: with its help you can diagnose or rule out an active COVID-19 infection. What is an antigen test, how is the test material collected, where can a quick COVID-19 test be done and how much does it cost?
The antigen test for coronavirusis referred to as the quick test for COVID-19, because it gives the result much faster - within 10-30 minutes from the moment of collecting the material for the test (has PCR test results usually wait at least 24 hours). This is one of the methods currently accepted by the WHO for the diagnosis of infections caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.
However, it is worth knowing that, according to many experts, the antigen test allows only a preliminary diagnosis: a negative result of the antigen test with simultaneous symptoms indicating SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection does not exclude the possibility of active COVID-19 infection, so it should be interpreted by a doctor, taking into account both the patient's clinical condition and a detailed epidemiological interview, including possible contact with a person with confirmed COVID-19 infection. Many experts recommend that it also be additionally confirmed with a genetic (molecular) PCR or RT-PCR test.
Such a test - according to the World He alth Organization - should also confirm a positive antigen test result due to the possibility of the so-called false positive.
In Poland - according to the information available on the website of the Ministry of He alth - currently a positive (positive) antigen test result is treated in the same way as the result of the molecular RT-PCR test.
Coronavirus antigen test - what is it about?
The antigen test for the coronavirus is performed similarly to the PCR test - by taking a swab from the patient's nasopharynx. The sample is then applied to a special cassette. The test detects the presence of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus-specific protein elements (specifically molecules forming the nucleocapsid envelope) that are formed during its replication (classic PCR tests detect viral genetic material in the samples).
Coronavirus antigen test - who should do it?
Coronavirus antigen test can be done after exposure to a personwho has been confirmed with COVID-19 (due to possible asymptomatic infection) or when there is a reasonable suspicion of an active infection due to accompanying symptoms.
The antigen test can be performed within 5-7 days from the onset of COVID-19 symptoms, such as fever, cough, loss of smell and taste, sore throat, bone and joint pain, shortness of breath - this is when the coronavirus replicates most intensively . In the following days, the amount of the virus may decrease, so the test may not be reliable.
Where can a coronavirus rapid test be done? How much does an antigen test cost?
Antigen tests are used in admission rooms, hospital emergency departments, ambulances, and also in GP surgeries. The examination is then free of charge and reimbursed by the National He alth Fund. They can also be performed at some collection points and smear points, where it costs, depending on the facility, from 120 to 200 PLN.
The antigen test can be ordered via the website of diagnostic laboratories, and then after paying for it with the received text or e-mail code, go to the specified collection point. The antigen test can also be purchased at a pharmacy (or ordered from some laboratories) and performed at home. However, according to the Ministry of He alth, only a medical facility can carry out a reliable test for the presence of coronavirus.
How to prepare for an antigen test?
The antigen test is performed similarly to the PCR test: the material for the test is taken in the form of a nasopharyngeal swab or a nasal swab (the place of collection depends on the test).
The preparation for the antigen test is similar to that for genetic testing: for at least two hours before the test, you must not eat, drink, brush your teeth or use oral fluids, smoke cigarettes, chew gum, or use drops or nasal sprays. After taking the sample, it is placed on a special hole in the test plate (which looks like a pregnancy test). The result is available after the test manufacturer specified the time - which is usually from 10 minutes to half an hour.
Antigen test - how to interpret the results?
The coronavirus antigen test result should always be interpreted by a doctor. A positive antigen test result usually - but not always - indicates an active infection: there is a small chance of a so-called false positive.
What if the antigen test is negative even though the patient experiences symptoms characteristic of COVID-19? If this is the case, it is also advisable to consult your GP: it is possible that the test was taken too late,when the concentration of coronavirus-specific SARS-CoV-2 protein elements has dropped below the threshold detected by the test, or the material for the test has been incorrectly collected.