Rice oil is produced from bran - residues from the dehulling process. It is most popular in Asian countries. Rice oil is suitable both for cold use and for frying at high temperatures. Thanks to the presence of vitamin E and gamma-oryzanol, it has a pro-he alth effect, incl. helps to lower blood cholesterol and slows down the aging process.
Rice oilis obtained from the bran or husk that surrounds the grain, which is waste in the production of hulled, polished white rice. The oil is obtained by extraction with organic solvents, mainly hexane and alcohols. Depending on the type of solvent used, different amounts of phytonutrients valuable for he alth are extracted from bran along with the oil.
Rice oil - properties and nutritional value
Rice oil is available in refined and unrefined (raw) forms. Refining improves the color of the oil and increases its smoke point, thanks to which it can be fried at higher temperatures than in crude oil, but it causes a large loss of he alth-promoting ingredients, e.g. vitamin E, tocopherols, gamma-oryzanol, lecithin and inositol. When choosing rice oil for he alth reasons, you should buy unrefined one. Rice oil is yellow in color, refined oil is lighter than unrefined. When refined, it is practically tasteless and odorless, while unrefined, it has the aftertaste of almonds or nuts.
Rice oil is distinguished by a lower viscosity, which causes it to soak into the food to a small extent (about 15-20% is absorbed by the fried product). Like other vegetable oils, rice oil provides 880 kcal per 100 g. Crude rice oil consists of 88-89% of fats, 2-4% of free fatty acids and 4% of unsaponifiable substances, i.e. a mixture of tocopherols, gamma-oryzanol, organic acids and lecithin.
Rice oil consists of the following fats:
- myristic acid (saturated) - 0.6%,
- palmitic acid (saturated) - 21.5%,
- stearic acid (saturated) - 2.9%,
- oleic acid (monounsaturated omega-9) - 38.4%,
- linoleic acid (polyunsaturated omega-6) - 34.4%,
- alpha-linolenic acid(polyunsaturated from the omega-3 family) - 2.2%.
Rice oil is a good source of Vitamin E (4.39 mg per tablespoon). It also contains vitamin K (3.4 μg per tablespoon). It is a rich source of phytosterols that help lower blood cholesterol (162 mg per tablespoon).
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Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreThe effect of rice oil on he alth
The effect of rice oil on he alth is due to the presence of vitamin E, tocopherols and tocotrienols (precursors of vitamin E), which have a strong antioxidant potential, plant sterols that lower blood cholesterol levels, and gamma-oryzanol - substances with a wide spectrum of action.
The he alth-promoting functions of rice oil include:
- slowing down the aging processes- vitamin E, tocopherols and tocotrienols have a protective effect on cells, block attacks of free radicals, which translates into inhibiting premature aging. It is also visible on the outer layers of the skin. Rice oil helps to maintain an adequate level of vitamin E in the body, which accelerates wound healing and cell regeneration, makes the skin smoother and reduces wrinkles. In addition, it protects against the harmful effects of solar radiation and inhibits the action of toxins.
- lowering cholesterol levels- thanks to the composition of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, the presence of plant sterols and gamma-oryzanol, rice oil reduces blood cholesterol levels and improves other parameters of the lipid profile as confirmed in human and animal studies. As a result, it contributes to reducing the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases.
- protection against cancer- vitamin E and its precursors as well as gamma-oryzanol are powerful antioxidant compounds. They neutralize the effects of free radicals and protect DNA and cellular proteins from damage that may lead to mutation and cancer formation.
- alleviating menopausal symptoms- daily use of rice oil in food preparation or taking a supplement with oil extract alleviates menopausal symptoms like blowshot, night sweats or redness of the face.
Omega-3 fatty acids in rice oil
Note the proportion of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids in rice oil. Both acids are needed for the proper functioning of the body, but it is necessary to maintain a balance between them. When we consume too much omega-6 foods, they block the effects of omega-3, causing chronic inflammation and increasing the risk of many diseases. The optimal ratio of these fats in the diet is 5: 1, while the average is 20: 1 and even more. The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 in rice oil is approximately 17: 1. If you choose rice oil as the basic fat for food preparation, it is worth adding omega-3 fatty acids to it.
Gamma-oryzanol - a valuable ingredient in rice oil
Gamma-oryzanol was initially considered a single compound. It is now known that it is a mixture of ferulic acid esters with plant sterols. Gamma-oryzanol is a compound with antioxidant potential that shows numerous he alth-promoting effects.
Inhibition of free radicals
Gamma-oryzanol shows 4 times stronger antioxidant activity than vitamin E, which is considered to be one of the most powerful antioxidants. Thanks to this, it can protect against cancer, neurodegenerative diseases and other oxidative diseases. Gamma-oryzanol has been shown to inhibit the effects of free radicals on tissues and block cholesterol oxidation, thus protecting the circulatory system.
Positive effect on the lipid profile
Human and animal studies have shown that gamma-oryzanol lowers total cholesterol and "bad" LDL cholesterol, and increases levels of "good" HDL cholesterol by reducing the absorption of dietary cholesterol and faster conversion of cholesterol to bile acids excreted from feces. The greatest improvement in the lipid profile was observed in people with cholesterol above the norm of 200 mg / dl. It has been suggested that gamma-oryzanol should be included in the treatment of people with hypercholesterolaemia.
Effect on TSH levels
Gamma-oryzanol may be effective in some patients with hypothyroidism. Its administration caused a reduction in TSH levels (a hormone that rises above normal in hypothyroidism) without affecting other thyroid hormones. Research shows that gamma-oryzanol can be helpful in treating primary hypothyroidism because it acts directly on the hypothalamus.
Relief of menopausal symptoms
In studies conducted in Japan, a positive effect was showngamma-oryzanol to relieve unpleasant symptoms associated with the menopause, the most common of which was hot flushes. Improved well-being was reported by 67-90% of the surveyed women who took gamma-oryzanol in the form of a supplement.
Effect on the growth of muscle mass
Preliminary studies have shown that taking gamma-oryzanol during resistance training promotes the release of endorphins and the development of muscle mass. This suggests the possibility of using gamma-oryzanol in supplements for athletes.
Inhibition of neoplastic processes
Studies on the anti-tumor activity of gamma-oryzanol were carried out in mice and rats. It has been shown to inhibit inflammatory processes and the growth of neoplastic tumors, but the topic requires more detailed analysis.
Use of rice oil
Rice oil is a very popular fat in Asia, especially in Bangladesh, Japan, India and China. It is appreciated for its mild taste and bringing out the aromas of traditional Asian dishes. Rice oil has a high smoke point (250 degrees C - refined, 215 degrees C - unrefined) and favorable proportions of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, therefore it is suitable for frying at very high temperatures and in deep fat. It tastes good cold as an addition to salads and dressings. Rice oil contains strong antioxidants that guarantee its durability and protect against rancidity.
Rice oil has also found application in cosmetics. It strengthens and firms the skin thanks to the presence of vitamin E and gamma-orynazol. It is most often used for massage, as an ingredient of lotions, creams, masks and soaps. It is recommended for people with dry skin prone to irritation and for mature skin.
1. Patel M. et al.,Gamma-oryzanol in rice bran oil - a review , Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 2004, 63, 569-578.
2. USDA National Nutrient Database: Oil, rice bran, https://ndb.nal.usda.gov/ndb/foods/show/655?n1=%7BQv%3D1%7D&fgcd=&man=&lfacet=&count=&max=&sort=&qlookup=& offset=& format=Full & new=& measureby=& Qv=1.
3. Rice Bran Oil and Constituents Research into Nutrition and He alth Effects, http://www.ricebranoil.info/articles/index.html.