Although fat is the most caloric component of food and its excess is quickly deposited in the form of unnecessary kilograms, it cannot be dispensed with. It is a source of vitamins A, D, E and K. Some of its polyunsaturated fatty acids determine the proper functioning of the body. What fats are the he althiest?
In the menu 25-30 percent energy should come from fat. Over the yearsfood fatshave been modified so that they are more practical to use, and recently, due to the plague of obesity, also as little as possible fattening. Have all these changes turned out to be beneficial to he alth? How to choosehe althy fat ?
Margarine - only the one with a small amount of trans fat
Animal fat consists mainly of saturated fatty acids and a significant amount of cholesterol, the excess of which has a detrimental effect on the cardiovascular system. But it was difficult to replace them with vegetable fats (oils), because due to the liquid consistency and chemical composition, they were not suitable for spreading or for longer storage. They were then subjected to the hydrogenation process, thanks to which they obtained a solid and spreadable consistency, and their storage became easier - this is howmargarinewas created. However, as a result of hydrogenation, fats lost most of their he alth-promoting properties and the appearance of trans isomers in them, which raise the level of bad cholesterol. A new method - the so-called interesterification - which allows the oil to harden without the formation of trans isomers. Trans fatty acids are mainly present in baking and frying fats on an industrial scale. They go to such products as confectionery bread, s alty snacks (chips, crackers), fast food dishes, frozen fries.
If you eat margarines, they choose soft, cup-filled ones - suchmargarinecontains up to 80 percent. uncured (and therefore he althier) oils. Read the labels, some producers inform about the concentration of trans isomers in the product. If this information is missing on the packaging, and the composition contains hardened vegetable fat, it is better not to buy it.
Cold-pressed oils - for salads, not frying
Oils should be cold pressed, obtained by mechanical means. Nothowever, you can use them for frying, as they will lose their he alth-promoting properties. Use them as an addition to salads, and store them in a dark vessel after opening.
Use fat with a high smoke point for long frying
The usefulness of fat for frying depends on its smoke point, i.e. the moment at which a further increase in temperature will cause its harmful changes. The higher the smoke point, the better the frying suitability of the fat. Fats with a high smoke point are lard, coconut fat, palm fat, rapeseed oil (warm pressed), refined olive oil. The remaining liquid vegetable fats can only be used for single, short-term frying. Regardless of the fat's smoke point, avoid long frying and also reusing the same fat. There are reactions during frying, which may result in the formation of substances that are harmful to he alth.
Cream butter - for bread, clarified butter - for frying
Cream butter is not suitable for frying, because acrolein is formed during prolonged heating - a toxic substance with a carcinogenic effect. It is different withclarified butter(in India, where it has been used for thousands of years, it is called ghee). We can prepare them ourselves or buy ready-made ones. Contrary to traditional butter, clarified butter can be used for frying (because it has evaporated water, it can be heated to high temperature), but it is not suitable for spreading. However, it is still high in saturated fat and cholesterol.
Worth knowingOlestra - artificial fat that does not make you fat
Fat that does not make you fat and that you can overeat with impunity - sounds incredible? And yet! After many years of research, a company has produced olester - a fat substitute that our body is unable to digest. When added to products (e.g. chips), it retains the flavor typical of fat, and when eaten, it passes through the digestive tract without being absorbed. However, it has a few downsides. Certain amounts of fat are needed by man, and olestra - because it is not digested by the body - does not provide these needs. In addition, in some people, olestra, as it traveled rapidly in the digestive tract, caused anal leakage manifested by greasy stains on underwear. This drawback was removed by increasing the viscosity of olester. It cannot be purchased as a product at this time, in the United States it is added to cookies, crisps, etc.
Not all vegetable fats are he althy!
Coconut and palm fat , like animal fats, have a constantconsistency. They are mainly composed of saturated fatty acids, raise cholesterol levels and promote blood clots. Solid vegetable fats are used to make sweets: chocolates, bars, cream wafers, peanut butter. Their considerable resistance to high temperature means that they are often a component of deep frying, i.e. mixtures of fats used for multiple frying in catering establishments. In contrast, coconut fat can provide many benefits when consumed in small amounts.
>>READ>>He alth Benefits of Coconut Oil
Calorie free fat spray
A spray for calorie-free frying has appeared on the market. According to the label, this product is mainly composed of vegetable fat. So how is it portrayed as fat-free and calorie-free? Well, to prepare a portion of the dish, one short press of the dispenser for about 1/3 second is enough. The portion determined in this way by the manufacturer provides such a small amount of finely atomized fat that its energy value is close to zero. However, it is worth considering, if the whole secret of the frying spray is simply to provide the minimum portion of fat, wouldn't it be easier to use a swab soaked in grease to grease the pan?
Good and bad fats
We associate fat negatively, so we prefer to choose products that contain as little it as possible. However, not all fat is our enemy. So how to distinguish between good and bad fats?
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