WATER - how to choose the best one for your needs? Consider your he alth when choosing the right water, because the wrong water can be harmful instead of helping you. The shops offer various mineral and highly mineralized waters, table waters, healing waters and spring waters. See how, for example, mineral water differs from spring water.
Contrary to appearances,wateruneven water. Commonly, allbottled watersare considered "mineral", but it is enough to glance at the label to see that on the shelf next to each other there are both mineral, table, spring and flavored waters ( although these should be treated as a drink) and even medicinal. They differ in the content of minerals, but also in origin and carbonation.
Spring water - the most popular type of bottled water
This is the most popular type of bottled water. They constitute approx. 75 percent. all available on the market. They are most often used for everyday consumption. However, they have a very low content of minerals (usually 150-500 mg / l), which makes them unsuitable for supplementing the deficiencies of bioelements.
Check also:Is tap water he althy?
Due to the low mineralization, these waters are recommended, among others people with hypertension (contain little s alt). They can also be given to infants without any problems. Pregnant women should not reach for them, because they rinse out valuable minerals.
Spring waters are perfect for preparing meals, making coffee or tea. They dissolve nutrients in foods very well, making them easier to digest. They are a good alternative to tap water. They are often available in practical 5 liter containers.
Table water - the best water for manual workers
It is enriched with the most necessary minerals. Most often it is magnesium, calcium, sometimes also iodine. The production of this type of water consists in adding mineral-rich water or mineral s alts to the spring water.
Their properties are very similar to highly mineralized waters (they also contain over 1500 mg / l of minerals). The indications and contraindications for consumption are also similar.
Table waters are perfect forpeople who work physically, engage in sports and are stressed. They cannot be given to infants, but they can be drunk by children to supplement minerals, especially during physical activities.
Is flavored water good for babies?
Healing water - where are the deposits of healing waters?
Waters classified as medicinal contain a very large amount of minerals - from 2000 mg / l to even 24,000 mg / l - hence each of them has a specific taste and smell.
Depending on the type, healing waters have a positive effect on people with peptic ulcer disease, gastritis, kidney stones and many other ailments. Due to their pharmacological properties, they can only be drunk after consulting a doctor. There are rich deposits of healing waters in Poland. Among them there are, for example, Henryk, Zuber, Jan, Słotwinka, Franciszek, Józef and Wielka Pieniawa.
Mineral, spring or table - what is the difference between water?
We divide the water into
- mineral
- spring
- table
- tap water
It is worth choosing it individually, depending on the need for specific minerals.
Worth knowingOver 90 percent bottled water contains plastic
Research has shown that in over 90 percent Water bottles from well-known manufacturers feature small pieces and plastic fibers.
Researchers from the State University of New York in Fredonia (USA) tested 259 bottles of 11 brands of water from 19 locations in 9 countries, including the USA, China, Brazil, Mexico and Thailand.
Most, as much as 54 percent. In cases, the contaminating material found in the bottled water was polypropylene. It is used, among others, for the production of caps.
Of the 259 bottles tested, only 17 were free from plastic. Record-breaking 10,000 particles per liter were found in the Nestlé Pure Life bottle. The brands surveyed are: Aqua (Danone), Aquafina (PepsiCo), Bisleri (Bisleri International), Dasani (Coca-Cola), Epura (PepsiCo), Evian (Danone), Gerolsteiner (Gerolsteiner Brunnen), Minalba (Grupo Edson Queiroz), Nestle´ Pure Life (Nestle´), San Pellegrino (Nestle´) and Wahaha (Hangzhou Wahaha Group).
Source: www.pap.pl, http://www.pap.pl/aktualnosci/news,1338351,ponad-90-proc-butelkanej-wody-zawiera-plastik.html
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