By droplets, by a kiss, by urine and faeces, and even by banknotes - the coronavirus is transmitted from China in different ways. Check how you can get infected with it.
How do you get infected with the coronavirus?Statistics from around the world show that it is quite easy. Doctors, however, call for common sense and not to panic. So we remind you what is known so far about possible ways of infection with the virus from China andhow you can get infected with the coronavirus.
- You can catch the coronavirus from China via droplets
- Chinese coronavirus spreads through feces and urine
- Coronavirus from China could be on banknotes
More and more people, fearing the coronavirus from China, avoid leaving home and resign from using public transport. Doctors associated with the Alliance of He althcare Employers also appealed to patients to avoid visits to primary care clinics if possible.
- Taking into account the fact that patients with various diseases meet in a small area of the waiting room, it is not difficult to get infected! It is the largest habitat of viruses and bacteria. Coming with a runny nose or for a prescription is recklessness and a serious risk! - warns Bożena Janicka, president of the Alliance of He althcare Employers, in a statement posted on the Agreement's website.
In order to limit visits in a medical facility, it is worth using telephone advice provided by doctors.
You can catch the coronavirus from China via droplets
This means it is in the airway secretion of a person who has symptoms of COVID-19 infection (including fever, cough, shortness of breath) and is close to it (WHO has set this distance less, than a meter). So you can get infected directly from an infected person.
Can you catch the virus by touching the railing on the bus? In this situation, there is a risk of transmission of the virus, but only if a person with COVID-19 is traveling (or has recently traveled) on the same bus. If an infected person has had a cough or sneeze with an open hand over their mouth and nose, and then touched the bus rail with the same hand, the virus could stay on it - and spread to another person whohe holds the railing, and then touches his face with his hand.
This can be avoided if we wipe our hands with disinfectant immediately after leaving the bus or tram, wash our hands after returning home - and in the meantime we will not touch our eyes, mouth or nose with our hands.

Together Against Coronavirus
Chinese coronavirus spreads through feces and urine
This is a new discovery: A few days ago, the Chinese Public He alth Commission reported that scientists from the Institute of Virology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences discovered traces of genetic material of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in stool and urine samples of sick patients.
This means that infection can occur as a result of inhaling airborne particles of stool and urine - this can happen when diarrhea occurs in the early stages of COVID-19 disease (which is the case in some patients) .
Coronavirus from China could be on banknotes
A spokesman for the World He alth Organization warned in an interview with "The Telegraph" that a virus from China, like other viruses and bacteria, may also exist for some time on bankntotes, which, after all, often change hands. Therefore, it is better to avoid cash payments and make contactless payments, which will reduce the risk of transmitting the virus to other people.
Can you catch the coronavirus by rubbing your eye?
It turns out that it is. If there are viruses on the hand, rubbing or touching the eye may introduce them into the body and cause infection. The eyes are connected to the nose through tear ducts, so infected tears can reach the nose - and the nose (and mouth) is the gateway to COVID-19 infection. This is the way the virus enters the lungs, where it primarily causes an infection. Therefore, we absolutely should avoid touching our eyes, nose and mouth and frequently wash or sanitize our hands.
I would like to emphasize that eye protection is especially important in the case of medical personnel in contact with patients. After all, sanitary masks only protect the mouth and nose! Safety glasses or goggles should also be an element of protection for medical personnel. The so-called protective helmets.
Cases of COVID-19 entering the body through the eyes have already occurred. One of the prominent Chinese lung disease specialists who fought the epidemic in Wuhan argues that this is how he contracted the virus. He observed all safety measures, but did not wear protective glasses. I join his appeal.
Medical staff should wear safety glasses!
- Agreement of He althcare Employers
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