Wild garlic has all the properties of common garlic. However, it exceeds it in terms of the content of certain substances, primarily sulfur compounds, which have a positive effect on the cardiovascular and digestive systems, and also help fight viruses, bacteria and the yeast Candida albicans, responsible for mycosis. Check what other properties wild garlic has.
Bear's garlic - what kind of plant is it?
Bear garlic( Allium ursinum ), also known as Gypsy garlic or witch's onion, is a plant whosepropertieshave already been discovered by the ancient Teutons. They treated wild garlic as a universal medicine. According to an ancient German legend, it was the bears' first meal after waking up from hibernation (hence the name of the plant).
So they came to the conclusion that since garlic strengthens the effect, it can also make people stronger.
Bear's garlic - properties
Bear garlic - cultivation
Bear's garlic grows wild in forests all over Europe and some parts of Asia. In Poland, wild garlic shoots appear at the turn of March and April in the Bieszczady Mountains, the Kampinos Forest, Białowieża Forest and in the vicinity of Sandomierz.
Its characteristic features are long (up to 20-30 cm tall) lanceolate leaves, as well as spherical, white inflorescences with single star-shaped flowers, which give off an intense garlic scent, which are located on long (up to 50 cm) stems. White flowers contain harmful substances, therefore they are not edible.
According to the ordinance of the Minister of the Environment of 5 January 2012 on the protection of plant species,bear garlic is a partially protected plant- it cannot be picked in the forest! Fortunately, wild garlic can be grown.
We sell wild garlic seedlings, which can be planted in the garden or on the plot. In autumn and winter, you can reach for its dried leaves. Dried wild garlic is available inherbal shops (the price of 20 g of wild garlic is about PLN 2.50).
What does wild garlic look like?
It should be noted, however, that wild garlic is nothing like traditional garlic. It is not in the form of cloves, but leaves, which contain the most he alth-promoting properties and are the most frequently eaten part of it.
Wild garlic leaves are confusingly similar to the leaves of the May lily of the valley growing at the same time, eating them can lead to poisoning. This is one more argument for not collecting this wild plant in the forest.

Bear garlic - pro-he alth properties
Wild garlic has a number of medicinal properties:
- thanks to the content of sulfur compounds,prevents viral infections , especially of the respiratory system, such as colds or flu, so some people believe that it can also support the body in the fight against SARS- Cov-2. In addition, the volatile substances contained in it, i.e. phenolic acids, thin the secretion that lingers in the bronchi, and thus facilitate expectoration, helping to fight cough.
- has an antibiotic-like effect becausedestroys pathogenic bacteriain the digestive and respiratory systems, but without disturbing the balance of the natural bacterial flora.
- stimulates the production of immunoglobulins - antibodies involved in all immune processes, and thusmobilizes the body to fight diseases .
- it can also be recommended to people with confirmed yeastCandida albicans . It is also a very effective weapon against parasites of the digestive system: pinworms, roundworms and even tapeworms.
- has anti-cancer properties , which is mainly due to organic sulfur compounds that act as a powerful antioxidant. It is said that wild garlic is the richest plant in Europe in sulfur compounds and contains several times more of it than traditional garlic. Sulfur compounds on one side protect the body against free radicals, and on the other, they stimulate the immune system to fight cancer cells. Research published in the Journal of the American Cancer Society shows that these compounds are extremely effective even against glioblastoma (a type of brain cancer) and can be used as a non-invasive form of cancer treatment.
- compounds contained in wild garlic increase the level of "good" HDL cholesterol in relation to the "bad" LDL cholesterol, and also lower the level of triglycerides and cholesterol, which reduces the risk ofatherosclerosis, and thus - also heart attack, stroke or coronary heart disease.
- yourpositive effect on the circulatory systembear garlic is mainly due to adenosine (it has much more of it than traditional garlic) - a substance that reduces the risk of blood clots because it reduces blood viscosity and reduces pressure through vasodilation. Therefore, eating wild garlicsupports the treatment of high blood pressure . In addition, this plant contains a lot of iron - the basic component of hemoglobin, corresponding, among others, to for storing and transporting oxygen in red blood cells.
- sulfur compounds are also effectivein the treatment of rheumatic diseases . Sulfur is the basic building block of connective tissue and collagen that make up the joints, it affects the proper development of articular cartilages, facilitates their regeneration and efficient functioning. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties, thanks to which it soothes ailments of the motor organs.
- Like traditional garlic, it accelerates and intensifies the secretion of bile, improves intestinal function, and thus prevents flatulence.
- can also be used in the states of impaired bile production, because it also has cholagogic and choleretic properties. However, it is not recommended for people struggling with gastric or duodenal ulcer disease.
- sulfur compounds are also known for their detoxifying properties. They support the liver in the detoxification process, acting as a cleansing filter - it binds nicotine and heavy metals into compounds that are then excreted from the body. In addition, the rest of the sulfuric acid neutralizes many toxic compounds.
- sulfur is, inter alia, the basic component of keratin - proteins of skin, hair, nails and collagen. Therefore, it is jointly responsible for their condition. When it is missing, nails and hair become brittle, and the complexion becomes pale and tired. That is why wild garlic is a desirable component of the diet for beauty.
Bear garlic - recipes
Olive oil with wild garlic
For its preparation you will need wild garlic leaves (approx. 25 pieces) and 1 liter of olive oil (cold pressed). Cut the washed and drained garlic leaves into strips (with the tails cut off).
Then put them into a liter jar or bottle, pour in olive oil and screw the cap on. Store in a dark, cool place for about 4-5 weeks.
After this time, take the leaves out of the jar. Then it is ready to eat. It retains its aroma for 3 months.
Oil should be kept coolplace but not in the refrigerator (it becomes slightly cloudy). A pantry or a basement would be a better place.
Bear garlic - pesto
To prepare the pesto sauce, you will need approx. 5 bunches of wild garlic leaves, 100 ml of olive oil and s alt.
Finely chop the washed and drained garlic leaves. Then rub with s alt and olive oil, put in a jar and close. The pesto prepared in this way should be stored for several months in a cool place, e.g. in a pantry, but it can also be a refrigerator.
Wild garlic leaves can be prepared in many other ways. You can also add them to salads, make soups, etc.