Elderberry flowers reach the size of dessert plates. They smell exceptionally beautiful and have many nutrients. Check when and how to collect elderberry flowers, what nutritional values they have and how to store and process them so that they do not lose valuable ingredients.
Elderberry flowershave many nutritional and pro-he alth values that are worth taking advantage of. They are used to prepare wine, tinctures, vinegar and oils, and the umbels fried in batter are a real delicacy.
How and when to collect elderberry flowers?
Elderberry flowers are harvested from May to July, in fine weather, preferably in the morning, right after the dew has evaporated.
Elderberry flowers, just like its fruit, should be processed immediately after picking from the bush. We do not wash them for drying.
Umbrellas should be fully developed, free from aphids and debris. They are cut with garden shears or a sharp knife. Remember not to cut all the canopies from one bush, as you will interfere with the natural growth and development of the plant.
ImportantStoring elderberry flowersAfter cutting the whole inflorescences, tie them into bouquets and dry them hanging from the ceiling quickly but carefully in a warm, airy place. You can also put them on cotton scarves for drying or in the oven at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees C with the door open. Elderberry flowers can also be frozen.
He alth benefits of elderberry
Read also: Elderberry flower vinegar: recipe and application
Medicinal properties of elderberry flowers
Elder flowers:
- expectorant
- dilute runny nose
- work diaphoretic
- have anti-virus effect
- protect and strengthen the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract
- strengthen immunity
- they are diuretics
- strengthen capillaries
- stabilize the bloodstream
- relieve pain, including headache
- cool
- cleansing
- capture free radicals
- accelerate metabolism
- counteracts the flushing to the head
- soothe skin inflammation
Elderberry flowers
- essential oils
- flavonoids
- flavonols
- flavonol glycosides (including rutin)
- n-paraffin
- inorganic (mineral) substances
- phenolcarbonic acids (coumaric acid, caffeic acid, ferulic acid)
- sambunigrin (Prussian acid glycoside)
- sluices and tannins
- sterols
- triterpenes
- choline - lowers blood pressure and prevents excessive accumulation of fat in the body; synthesized as a component of drugs for liver diseases and cancer
Besides, elderberry is rich in vitamins and minerals. You will find: beta carotene, vitamins A, B1 , B2 , B3 , B6 , C plus potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, sodium. in addition, elderberry contains the following trace elements: iron, copper, manganese and zinc.
Source: Angela Martens "Black without he alth by nature"; Ellen Heidböhmer "Black without for he alth and beauty"