Anorexia, or mental anorexia, usually begins in adolescence. It often occurs in families where relationships are disturbed, there is no warmth, and too high demands are placed on children. Anorexia can last for years. If left untreated, it can lead to serious he alth complications and even death.
Anorexia( anorexia nervosa ) destroys the body and breaks the spirit. Ania cannot bear her reflection in the mirror because she is too fat. Maria would like to gain weight, but eating is difficult for her. They both suffer from anorexia - a disease that destroys the body and breaks the spirit. They obsess about eating. They do not accept their appearance, even when they die of exhaustion. They lie, hide food, manipulate their loved ones so as not to eat. They exercise for hours to burn calories. People with anorexia feel fat, unattractive, unloved. And like the air, they need approval.
Anorexia treatment is a fight for every bite
There are 7 girls in the diagnostic and observation ward of the Central Teaching Hospital of the Medical University in Łódź. Their day begins at 6.30 with measuring and writing down their weight. There is breakfast at 8.00. The sick people sit at the fold-out table top in the corridor. A nurse is watching over there. - There must be strict control at all times. The staff make sure that the patients eat, do not vomit or exercise. At the beginning, the most important thing is to restore the correct body weight, and often even learn to eat anew. Food is the staple medicine, so we fight for every bite. At the same time, psychotherapy is carried out, which we try to cover the whole family - says Anna Śmiech, MD, PhD, assistant in the ward taking care of the patients.
ImportantHow to recognize anorexia
- Weight loss below the body mass index 17.5 BMI (indication for hospitalization - 15 BMI) - you can calculate your BMI using this calculator
- Restricting meals taken by the patient in order to reduce body weight.
- Disturbed body image. Despite being significantly underweight, the patient sees herself as too fat and feels afraid of gaining weight.
- Hormonal disorders (including no period for 3 months).
Who is most often affected by anorexia
The double rooms are bright and cozy. On the cabinets and window sills there are plush toys, colorful magazines, books, sometimes school textbooks.All the girls want to heal themselves, they dream of returning home, of a normal life. But it's not that simple when your mind keeps stubbornly moving around food. They talk about him all the time: about how difficult it is to swallow, about how the body swells after a meal and you vomit, and how it is tempting to exercise. There are no pots of yoghurt or sweets on hospital lockers. There are also no mirrors, because anorexic women do not like their reflection. Anorexia nervosa (anorexia) usually begins in adolescence, rarely later. If left untreated, it may take years and lead to serious he alth and social complications. Anorexia often occurs in families where relationships are disturbed, there are no feelings, and sometimes there is a problem of addiction. Other causes are personality traits, and recently there has also been talk of a genetic factor. Cultural patterns functioning in highly developed countries are also important. Most of the sick are ambitious people who strive for excellence in everything.
According to an expertDr. Marek Pertkiewicz, head of the Department of General Surgery and Clinical Nutrition, Medical University of Warsaw, prof. Orłowski in WarsawIn anorexia, in extreme cachexia, there are such significant disturbances in the work of the organs that sometimes the sick, even if they want to eat, cannot and must be fed artificially. There is a shortage of substances necessary for the proper metabolism of energy and protein (potassium, magnesium, vitamin B1), the body reserves of which are small. In such a patient, even a glucose drip can cause metabolic disorders, which, if untreated, lead to death due to stroke or circulatory failure. It is a food shock syndrome that can occur with both natural and artificial nutrition. Patients with anorexia are at risk of developing this syndrome. Their treatment in the stage of extreme cachexia is based on the correct selection of intravenous nutrients and must be under control.
Anorexia starts innocently … with a he althy diet
Asia is 21 years old. After 2 months of treatment, he weighs 56.7 kg. She is talented, ambitious and intelligent. "I can hardly read," he admits. - It's hard for me to concentrate. Until recently, Asia was an exemplary law student, but at the end of her freshman year, things started to go wrong. She lived alone, away from her hometown. - I took it all badly, I felt lonely. There was a void around me - he says. - I spent nights reading books because I wanted you to be the best. Even so, I was still dissatisfied with myself. Two months ago, when she came to the hospital, she weighed only 45 kg (when she was 177 cm tall). She ate only coffee with milk. Wasexhausted and broken. She collapsed her summer session. I never really bothered with my weight - Asia wonders. - It started so innocently, with … a he althy diet. First, I eliminated light bread, fats and sugar. And then it all happened very quickly. I obsess over food, counted calories, purged, induced vomiting, and exercised to burn off every meal immediately. - I stopped eating. I only drank coffee - admits Asia. - I was freezing. I wore a few pairs of tights, socks and sweaters, and I was shivering from the cold anyway.
People with anorexia are perfectionists
There are weight charts instead of temperature charts by the beds. Its value is entered every day. It's good when the line goes up. There is a clear increase in Asia's chart. - Recently I lost a bit because I switched to a self-control program. I don't have to eat at the shared table anymore, I go on leave. When I reach 57 kg, maybe they will send me home - he explains. It will be a long time before he starts enjoying life again. For now… Asia cannot stand the sight of herself in the mirror. - I feel fat. After every meal, my body feels like it's swelling. My conscience is tormenting me that I am eating. When I didn't eat anything, I liked it. I was glad that I was in control of my weight. After that, thinking about food drove everything out. Asia shows her notebook with notes: small, perfectly even handwriting, without a single deletion. If she corrected something, she wouldn't be able to learn, she explains. She is a perfectionist - like most girls suffering from anorexia. He hates criticism badly, takes everything personally, analyzes and experiences everything. "It bothers me in my life," she admits. - The psychologist says I have to take some time to relax.
Don't do thatGive up weight loss if you do it with the hope that:
- you will like yourself more, others will like you, you will be more attractive,
- you will prove your will and strength of character,
- you will impress yourself, gain admiration and respect from others,
- you will feel better than others, you will achieve success,
- you will finally meet all the expectations of others towards you.
(From the book "When slimming is a disease", I. Namysłowska, E. Paszkiewicz, A. Siewierska).
Anorexics struggle with the disease for many years
Maria is the oldest on the ward (27 years old) and the most "experienced". It was the fourth time she was here. "I must succeed this time," he argues. - I have someone to live for. Maria has a three-month-old son. She spent the end of her pregnancy in the hospital, because she was unable to eat from the 6th month. The baby was born he althy, though a month too early. - I chose the wrong man - confesses Maria. -When I broke up with him, he began to haunt me. He threatened to hurt me. I was afraid to leave the house and from it all I fell ill again. I couldn't swallow from my nerves. When Krzyś was three months old, I decided to get treatment. Now I will not stop the therapy - he adds. Maria has been suffering from anorexia for 11 years. She was hospitalized for the first time after six years of illness. Her parents did not notice the problem and still do not see it. - They don't understand it's a disease. They think I should deal with it myself. "I stop eating when there's trouble," says Maria. - I weighed 37 kg and thought I was ugly. So I exercised like crazy - 1000 sit-ups a day - to have a firm body. A day without exercise was a day wasted. It was getting worse every year. I barely graduated from high school. I didn't go to college anymore. I was depressed. I will leave when I reach 47. But I know this will only be the beginning of my struggle. A real fight awaits me out there.
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