Geographic language means mild wandering glossitis or erythema migrans of the tongue. Irregular bright and reddish areas on the tongue are not a disease, although they sometimes accompany certain diseases. Does geographic language need (and can) be treated?

Wandering erythema disappears and appears in different places and in different configurations, "islet" spots are sometimes smaller, sometimes larger. Occasionally, such tongue becomes more sensitive under the influence of, for example, alcohol or certain foods - hot, cold, spicy - and can be painful, stinging or stinging. In most cases, we inherit this beauty in our genes and it has no diagnostic significance. But not always.

Geographic languagethat isWandering erythema(Latinlingua geographica ) occurs in small percentage of people (about 2 percent of the population). The characteristic spots of dark pink or red color in places devoid of warts (and more specifically of one of the groups of filamentous warts) and surrounded by a light border create the illusion of a map on the surface of the tongue, hence the name of this ailment. Or rather features - because, according to the current state of medical knowledge, geographic language is simply a specific appearance of a language.

It is very rare that geographic changes also occur elsewhere in the mouth, e.g. on the inside of the cheeks.

Geographic language - not only genes

When can a geographical language be a proof of an illness? Certainly when it appears unexpectedly in a person who previously had "normal" language. Then it's hard to blame the ancestors for such a symptom, you should see a doctor. A tongue with irregular "patterns" on the surface may indicate some mucosal inflammation, avitaminosis, oral fungal infection, or allergy. It also occurs in people with vitiligo, diabetes and psoriasis. The patient should be referred for appropriate tests for these diseases.

Geographic language: treatment

Generally geographic language is not cured. Its possible soreness can only be relieved with anesthetics or topical steroids. However, if the geographical language is a disease, e.g. a symptom of mycosis (the most common culprit is Candida yeast), the doctor will prescribe appropriate medicationsantifungal, but better results will be achieved in this case by an antifungal diet. In the case of allergies, the symptoms decrease and even disappear completely if we exclude allergens from the diet. It happens that changes in the tongue are caused by vitamin B deficiency and vitamin therapy should solve the problem within a few weeks.

Geographic language and Chinese medicine

The official position on the geographic language is that it's just such a beauty. It is a minor ailment that does not require treatment. However, according to the laws of logic, everything must have a cause, and probably for now it is simply not known what caused this symptom. If we reach for Chinese medicine (much older than Western medicine), we will find out that the geographical language proves that the endocrine glands malfunction and is a sign of an immune disorder. Thus, the broadly understood concern for the autoimmune system should bring improvement. Let's take a close look at our diet (e.g. do we eat a lot of processed, sugar-rich foods), exercise, and general hygiene of life.
