If the eyes are in good shape, they do not require special care, because they cleanse, moisturize and regenerate themselves perfectly. Often, however, we force them to work beyond their strength. Overworked, tired eyes need help.

The air is dehumidified in a heated, air-conditioned room. If you spend a lot of time in it, it is obvious that the mucosa lining the eyelids becomes dry and the eyes are irritated, sting, stinging, even aching. The same happens when you work too long - you read, you look at the computer monitor. Why? Because focused on work, we blink our eyelids less frequently, and thus we do not moisturize the eyeball sufficiently. With time, we run out of tears. An effective remedy fortired eyesis to moisturize the conjunctiva and … rest.

Saving tears for tired eyes

Eye drops , which will be helpful in such a situation, is commonly known asartificial tears . They moisturize the conjunctiva well, counteract irritation, soothe pain and burning caused not only by dry air, but also by wind or sun. Some types of moisturizing drops are gel-like, so they stay on the surface of the eyeball for longer. Artificial tear drops can be used prophylactically. But other eye medications - even over-the-counter ones - need to be handled carefully.

Do not use reddening eye drops on tired eyes

Drug abuse is slowly becoming our national feature. Research by the World He alth Organization (WHO) shows that we are at the forefront of this in Europe. Unfortunately, this also applies to eye drops. We eagerly reach for drugs that quickly eliminate sclera congestion (the so-called proteins). We do it because we want the effect to be immediate. And this is how the drops "on beautiful eyes" work. They do not cure the underlying problem, they only eliminate the symptoms. They contain painkillers and vasoconstrictors. When the vessels tighten, the eyes are no longer red. And the painkiller relieves the pain and the feeling of sand under the eyelids. However, masked ailments pile up and finally the so-called rebound effect, i.e. much more serious ailments.

To avoid tired eyes and vision problems

Take breaks from work from time to time. Then look for a moment closer, oncefurther, for example, to a point on the wall, and then to trees outside the window. Move the knobs left and right, move the pencil with your outstretched hand and observe it, extend your hand with the pencil and bring it closer to your nose, close your eyelids for a few moments and cover them with your palms folded into small boats, breathe deeply. Give up cigarettes. The free radicals (aggressive oxygen molecules) formed during smoking damage the blood vessels of the eye. They also destroy the receptors of the retina and significantly increase the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. If you work at the computer for a long time, place the monitor at a distance of about 50 cm from your face. Staring at the screen at a closer distance makes your eyes exert an unnatural effort.

You must do it

If you use eye drops

  • Wash your hands thoroughly before using them.
  • There is only one drop of the drug in the conjunctival sac, so there is no need to instill more.
  • Store the drops in the refrigerator.
  • Check how long you can use the drops after opening the bottle. Usually the shelf life is about a month, but it's better to make sure and don't use them longer.
  • After the expiration date, throw away the drops, even if they have not been opened before. Using out-of-date products can be dangerous.
  • Do not touch the eye or the edges of the eyelids with the dispenser. Sprinkle the drops from a certain height.
  • Screw on container carefully after use.
  • If you are using medications for moisturizing, choose drops in disposable packages.
  • Never use drops used by other people.

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