MPV is the blood count parameter. The MPV test provides information on the size of the platelets, making it easier to evaluate the causes of thrombocytopenia or thrombocytopenia. Find out what is the norm for MPV, which means elevated MPV and what is below MPV.

MPV - what is it?

MPV(Mean Platelet Volume) is one of the parameters ofblood count . The blood count is the most common blood test. It enables the assessment of the functioning of three key systems: red cell, white blood cell and platelet. The most important platelet parameters assessed by blood counts are: platelets PLT, mean platelet volume MPV, PDW platelet volume variability index or the percentage of large P-LCR platelets. MPV, i.e. the average volume of platelets, is calculated on the basis of the measured volume of a large number of platelets by the so-called hematology analyzer and is mostly used in the differential diagnosis of thrombocytopenia.

MPV is a parameter dependent on the total platelet production by the bone marrow. When produced inefficiently, the released plaques are small - resulting in a low MPV. In thrombocytopenia and properly functioning bone marrow (e.g. hypersplenism), the marrow releases immature platelets into the bloodstream in an effort to maintain their normal number. Immature platelets are larger, which is reflected in an increase in MPV.

Worth knowing

MPV - norm

Correctly, the average platelet volume is between 9 and 12.6 μm3.

MPV below normal

MPV below the standardcan be observed in:

  • aplastic anemia
  • chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression
  • Wiskott-Aldrich team

MPV increased

Whereasincreased MPVis present in the case of:

  • massive bleeding
  • vitamin B12 or folate deficiency
  • myeloid leukemia
  • immune thrombocytopenia
  • valvular heart disease
  • hyperthyroidism
