The pubic symphysis is called the synchondrosis that connects both pubic bones. The human pelvis is a paired bone that is connected in the front part by the pubic symphysis. Symptoms related to the pubic symphysis are especially common in pregnant or postpartum women. What does pubic symphysis pain mean and how to treat it?
The pubic symphysis(Latin symphysis pubica) is a cartilage hyperplasia, that is, the connection of bones with cartilage and is a structural element of the pelvis.The pubic symphysisis localized in both men and women in the lower abdomen in the genital area. In he althy adults, they can be shifted by about 2 mm and turned by 1 degree. However, it is worth noting that in pregnant women the pubic symphysis may be more mobile. The mainfunction of the pubic symphysisis to connect the pubic bones of the pelvis and protect the internal organs against injuries, for example, to the uterus in women. In addition, it helps to absorb shocks while moving.
Pubic symphysis - structure
The pubic symphysis consists of:
- two pubic bones covered with hyaline cartilage (Latin facies symphysialis)
- of the intercostal disc (Latin discus interpubicus), which is made of fibrous cartilage and is located between the pubic bones; the interphalangeal disc may have a small pit
In addition, the pubic symphysis is reinforced with ligaments:
- upper pubic region,
- posterior pubic,
- anterior pubic
- and arched bottom.
It is worth noting thatthe pubic symphysis has a slightly different structure in each sex . In males, it is high and the submarine angle between the lower pubic bones is 50-80 degrees. On the other hand, in women the pubic symphysis is low and the diaphragmatic angle is 90-110 degrees.
Pubic symphysis pain
The pain of the pubic symphysis is unnatural and may indicate a medical process. That is why it is always worth consulting a specialist doctor.
The causes of the pubic symphysis pain are :
- bone inflammation
- pubic bone fracture
- separation of the pubic symphysis
- hormonal changes during pregnancy that loosen the symphysis and its ligaments
The pain of the pubic symphysis most often accompanies pregnant women, usually in the second-third trimester and after delivery.
In addition, the pain of the pubic symphysis may appear in people who engage in intensive physical activity, e.g. professional athletes. In them, the cause of pain can be both inflammation of the pubic symphysis and its overload.
Treatmentconsists of administering painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs and restricting the mobility of the pelvis.
Pubic symphysis - divergence of the pubic symphysis
In pregnant or postpartum women, there may also bedissociation of the symphysis , which is the separation of the pubic bones. In addition to the strong radiating pain, the symphysis pubis may be accompanied by swelling and bruising in the pelvic area.
The reason may be:
- forceps delivery
- giving birth to a big baby
- prolonged labor
It is worth knowing that the symphysis may also be divorced as a result of pelvic injuries, e.g. during traffic accidents.
- Pelvic pain syndrome - causes, symptoms and treatment
- Tailbone fracture