There are vegetables that are harmed by heat treatment at high temperatures. Then they lose their taste and, above all, their he alth-promoting properties. Here are 7 popular vegetables that all of us should eat raw.
Only raw, unprocessed foods area treasure trove of valuable nutrientssuch as vitamins, minerals, micronutrients and macronutrients. Some time ago, there was even a fashion for raw food, i.e.raw food(Eng.raw food), which for various reasons involves eating only raw food. But while eating raw fish or eggs carries the risk of infection with dangerous bacteria (including salmonella or nematodes), eating certainraw foods actually helps our he alth .
Which foods are worth eating raw?
1. Any silage
Silage is, as you know, a natural probiotic because it contains lactic acid bacteria that are important for our bacterial flora. They are also a natural we alth of vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, iron and calcium, as well as dietary fiber. When subjected to heat treatment, unfortunately, they lose both beneficial bacteria, as well as vitamins and microelements. Therefore, silage is best eaten raw, for example as an ingredient in salads.
2. Broccoli
Broccoli is one of the he althiest vegetables in the world. Thanks to the content of sulforaphane, a strong antioxidant, this vegetable protects against cancer, stomach ulcers (sulforaphane destroys the bacteriumHelicobacter pyloripresent in our intestines), anemia and diabetes. The content of vitamin B2 and C use also affects our eyesight.
Scientists have proven that heating broccoli at high temperature destroys myrosinase - an enzyme that is necessary for the production of sulforaphane, so we should eat this vegetable mainly raw.
3. Cauliflower
Cauliflower, next to broccoli, belongs to the group of plant foods with the strongest anti-cancer potential. And just like broccoli, it is worth eating it raw, for example as an ingredient in salads. It then retains most of the nutrients: calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, vitamin C, B6, folic acid, and the antioxidant sulforaphane, which prevents the development of cancer.
Cauliflower should be reached by people whostomach ulcers (it has bacteriostatic effects), suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and diabetics are at risk.
4. Zucchini
Not everyone knows that zucchini can be eaten raw. It's a pity, because fresh zucchini is delicious and very he althy. What's more, pediatricians recommend it to six-month-old toddlers. Zucchini is easy to digest and heavy metals do not accumulate in it. It is rich in potassium, iron and magnesium, as well as vitamins C, K, PP, B1 and beta carotene. The last ingredient, provitamin A, ensures the proper functioning of eyesight, strengthens immunity, supports the treatment of acne and delays the appearance of wrinkles.
Raw zucchini can be eaten as vegetable noodles or as an addition to dips.
5. Parsley root
Who like cooked parsley root? No wonder, because it's bland and bland. Meanwhile, this vegetable served raw contains a lot of flavonoids (i.e. antioxidants that protect against many serious diseases), mucous substances that aid digestion, sugar compounds and mineral s alts. In addition, parsley root also has diuretic and carminative properties, it is also recommended for people suffering from kidney stones, because it helps to reduce deposits in the kidneys and protects against kidney colic attacks.
Interestingly, in raw parsley we can also find essential oils with a psychoactive effect comparable to marijuana.
6. Beets
Raw beetroot contains many valuable nutrients such as iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, copper, chlorine and zinc.
They are also a treasury of folic acid, which in raw beets is as much as 30 percent more than in cooked beets. However, the most valuable ingredient in beetroot isbetanin- a powerful antioxidant that protects us against cancer, supports our immunity and prevents aging, as well as combats heartburn and lowers blood pressure.
The beneficial compounds contained in beetroot are water-soluble, so beets are best eaten raw, for example in the form of freshly squeezed beetroot juice.
7. Kale
Kale leaves are a treasury of protein, fiber and vitamins - mainly vitamins C and K, as well as mineral s alts - especially calcium and potassium. Kale, like broccoli, is also very high in sulforaphane - an antioxidant that has a strong anti-cancer effect. However, to keep its he alth-promoting properties, it cannot be heated. That is why kale is best eaten raw, for example in fresh smoothies or as a substitute for lettuce on sandwiches. Young leaves are especially tastykale.
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