Do you want to enjoy good eyesight for a long time? Take care of your eyes. It will not be difficult if you supplement your diet with berries and vegetables containing lutein, and also reach for preparations that will strengthen and protect your eyesight.

UVB solar radiation penetrates the cornea and conjunctiva and can cause burning or tearing that lasts for many dayseyes . UVA radiation is even more dangerous because it penetrates the eye. The danger is all the greater because you do not feel the rays of these rays, and the damage to your eyes shows up after many years. Sometimes it's cataracts, macular degeneration, and sometimes even eye melanoma. Therefore, you need to protect your eyes from the harmful effects of the sun: wear sunglasses with a good sunscreen and use the sun in moderation.

Diet for good eyesight

Products containing substances that inhibit the formation of free radicals are especially important for the eyes. You will find a lot of them in spinach, broccoli, lettuce and parsley. But the most valuable ally for the eyes are the blackblueberries(blueberry). Blueberries contain as many as 14 types of anthocyanins - compounds that increase the elasticity of capillaries and seal the epithelium. Anthocyanins also regenerate eye enzymes that can be damaged by free radicals.

Wild forest fruits - properties

Substances indicated in case of vision problems

If you have poor eyesighteyesight , you work a lot at the computer, you strain your eyes, you can help yourself with special preparations. They include, among others extract from fruit and leaves of berries and other substances valuable for the eyes.

»Luteinacts as a filter, protecting the eye against harmful UVA and UVB light. The human body does not produce lutein, so it must be supplied with food or in the form of a preparation. After lutein is absorbed by the body, it accumulates mainly in the macula, i.e. the central part of the retina, and in the lens. Lutein is a powerful free radical scavenger and therefore protects the retinal capillaries and macular photoreceptors from damage. But that's not all: the right dose of lutein can be up to 30 percent. reduce the risk of developing cataracts.

The list of vegetables containing lutein can be found in:Diet supports treatmentAMD

»Zeaxanthinis the second carotenoid, next to lutein, located in the central part of the eye's retina. This substance protects not only against free radicals, but also against the harmful effects of blue light waves.

»Vitamins A, E, Cneutralize free radicals in tissues with low oxygen concentration. Reduced acuity of vision at dusk, the so-called Night blindness is one of the first symptoms of vitamin A deficiency. Providing the right dose of this vitamin and beta-carotene improves eyesight in many cases. Vitamin E, fat-soluble, prevents the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Thus, it seals cell membranes, protecting the genetic code. It is the strongest vitamin antioxidant. It prevents the oxidation of vitamin A, neutralizes free radicals and inhibits the formation of toxic substances - fatty peroxides, bad cholesterol, etc. that damage blood vessels and initiate atherosclerosis. The third important antioxidant is vitamin C. It works in the water environment of the cell and in intercellular fluids. There, it neutralizes free radicals, incl. also those that are formed in reaction with vitamin E. These three vitamins complement each other and strengthen their antioxidant effects.

»Zincis a micronutrient that ensures good eyesight and prevents age-related loss. The most of this element is found in the retina of the eye, and its deficiency can lead to myopia.

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