Weakened libido, lack of sexual attraction, weakened erections and erections until their disappearance - these symptoms can be a drama of many men. One of the reasons may be testicular hypogonadism or male hypogonadism. If it is not detected in time, the effects are serious. A man with testicular insufficiency is at risk of becoming sterile.
Testicular insufficiencymay become apparent during puberty. The symptoms visible to the environment are delayed or lack of sexual maturation: the penis and testicles remain as small as in a child, no pubic hair or facial hair develops, a young person does not undergo a mutation, does not show sex drive, has no erections and erections. However, she experiences mood changes, general fatigue and weakness, her skin is pale and dry. These disorders may be accompanied by tall stature and disproportionately long legs.
When hypothyroidism affects mature men, their libido and fertility decline, breast enlargement, fatty tissue builds up around the hips, body muscles and body hair disappear, voice tone becomes higher, mood swings and general weakness appear. The syndrome of these symptoms is calledeunuchoidism , and their severity is proportional to the degree of testicular hypothyroidism.
Testicular insufficiency - causes
The causes of the underactive testicles may be located in the testicles themselves - it is due to their inborn underdevelopment. The body then produces male hormones, but the testicles do not produce sperm. In this situation, the disorder is calledprimary hypogonadism .
Osecondary hypogonadismwe say when testicular insufficiency is a symptom of dysfunction of other organs or glands, e.g. hypothalamus, brain, pituitary gland. Sexual activity and the ability to reproduce are governed by a system in the central nervous system. In such a situation, the testicles are built correctly, but they are not stimulated by the body, so they do not work, and as a result they even disappear.
Doctors look for various factors among the causes of testicular failure. These can be: congenital lack or underdevelopment of testicles in childhood (also cryptorchidism, i.e. non-descent of testicles), mechanical damage, radiation with X-rays, pastdiseases (measles, mumps, gonorrhea, syphilis, tuberculosis) as well as diabetes, chronic poisoning (including alcoholism), malnutrition, cancer, hernia.
Secondary hypogonadism usually occurs as a result of damage to the pituitary gland or other lesions in the hypothalamus, such as tumors, cysts, injuries, and inflammatory processes. Hypogonadism can also be a symptom of aging and menopause (andropause) and can appear after the age of 50.
Testicular insufficiency - diagnosis of the disease
The correct diagnosis of the disease can be made only by a doctor in a specialized medical facility on the basis of an assessment of the entirety of the changes, and above all, after reviewing the test results. Testosterone, LH and FSH and prolactin levels in the blood are measured in a laboratory to diagnose or rule out testicular hypoplasia, and check if there is sperm in the semen. The chromosome morphology is also examined and an ultrasound of the testicles is performed.
Treatment of testicular insufficiency
Treatment of the disease consists in the long-term intake of pharmaceutical hormonal preparations - testosterone and gonadotropins. Drug treatment may be supported by surgery to remove the testicle (if there is only one cause for the injury). A he althy testicle usually replaces a damaged or removed testicle.