We inherit not only the color of our eyes or hair. You can also get a disease in the genetic package. Some genetic diseases are only passed on to male descendants. What genetic diseases do they pass from father to son?
There aregenetic diseasesthat affect onlymen . If one of the genes on the X chromosome carries the disease, a male child will inherit it. The girl is only a carrier - she will not get sick, but will pass the disease initiating gene on to her children. Why? In a woman, a defective gene on one X chromosome may be balanced by a "he althy" gene on the other X. A man has one X chromosome and the altered gene does not have the correct copy, and this determines the disease. It also means that the male will pass the gene on to his daughter who becomes a carrier. But if she fathers a son, the child won't get sick, because the father will only give him a Y chromosome with he althy genes.
Diseases the son inherits from his father
» Broken Chromosome X Syndrome (FRA X) is the most common cause of inheritance of moderate intellectual disability. It affects 1 in 1,500 men. A common feature of the exterior is large ears and a protruding chin, as well as enlarged testicles. In many cases, there are speech disorders and autistic symptoms. There is also a phenomenon known as the Sherman Paradox in disease inheritance. This means that the probability of developing the disease depends on the position in the family tree: the brothers of a he althy male carrier are at a 9% risk, while his grandchildren - as much as 40%. In other words, the risk increases from generation to generation.» SPIRITUAL MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY the first symptoms appear between the ages of 1 and 4. The changes relate to symmetrically progressive muscle weakness and atrophy. It usually starts with the muscles of the lap belt, causing a duck-like gait, problems getting up from a sitting position, and climbing stairs. There is a hypertrophy of the calf muscles. Over time, contractures reveal themselves, which immobilize patients properly. Approx. At the age of 20, muscle atrophy leads to death from respiratory and heart failure. It is possible to slow down the progression of the disease by keeping the child active as long as possible.Currently, promising results have been obtained in treating patients with molecular therapy using exon skipping technology. Treatment restores the functions of dystrophin, the production of which is impaired in this disease. all cases of mucopolysaccharidosis. The first symptoms appear in 2-3 days. age. The disease has two forms. Type A is characterized by thickening of facial features, short stature, joint changes, enlargement of the spleen and liver, hernias, impaired mental development, and bone changes. In type B, mental retardation is absent or moderate, dysmorphic features are less severe and bone changes are much milder.» PROSTATE CANCER - men from families with hereditary breast cancer and ovary (those whose paternal mothers, sisters, aunts or aunts had this type of cancer) who were diagnosed with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers. In these men (carriers), the risk of developing prostate cancer may be as high as 7%. Therefore, more frequent and earlier tests aimed at detecting this neoplasm are recommended. Colonoscopy is a test that allows for early detection of precancerous changes in the large intestine. Men whose close relatives have suffered from this cancer are recommended to undergo this test from the age of 40 every 5 years.
ImportantGenesis coded data about hereditary traits: appearance, temperament or susceptibility to specific diseases. They are made of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and form compact structures called chromosomes.Chromosomesare found in every cell in our body, including eggs and sperm. At the time of fertilization, the embryo receives the chromosomes of its parents. A person has 46 chromosomes - 23 from the mother and 23 from the father - which come in pairs. Genes located on the 23rd pair of chromosomes known as the sex chromosomes play a key role in gender-specific inheritance. In a woman they are two chromosomes X (XX), in a man X and Y (XY). The female X chromosome contains more genes.
» HEMOPHILIA in Poland, about 4,000 suffer from severe or mild disease. people. People with hemophilia do not produce (or in very small amounts) one of the clotting factors, so any bleeding takes a long time and can be life-threatening. Hemophilia is divided into two groups: A - when the clotting factor VIII is missing, and B - whendoes not have factor IX. The two forms of the disease have identical symptoms and course, but must be treated differently due to the deficiency of the different clotting factors. The first symptoms of the disease are most often noticed at the end of the first year of life, when a toddler has multiple bruises. Approx. 2-3. From the age of 18 years, bleeding can begin in internal organs, muscles, joints and even the brain, which are life-threatening. The most troublesome symptom of the disease is bleeding into the joints, which leads to significant or complete destruction of the joint. Not only articular cartilage undergoes gradual degeneration, but also the membrane, goo and bones. The effusions keep repeating. The patient may be protected against disability by systematic administration of a blood coagulation factor concentrate. But the therapy is most effective when the drug is given prophylactically - before the first bleeding into the joints, that is in early childhood.» KLINEFELTER SYNDROME (XXY) The cause is the appearance of an extra X chromosome. Affected men are usually sterile due to underdevelopment of the penis and testicles. Some people have zwitterionic features, such as a female figure, disproportionately long limbs and above-average height, enlarged nipples, and a tendency to breast cancer. The patient's body produces less testosterone, which results in impaired sexual maturation, therefore the differences in appearance become apparent only in adolescence. Sometimes there is also a slight intellectual disability. The disease is accompanied by disturbances in metabolism and, as a result, a tendency to obesity and the risk of developing diabetes. Testosterone therapy gives good results and improves the figure to be more masculine.» FISH SCALES in patients, the body is covered with scales of horny skin located next to each other. There are several varieties of this disease, one of them is caused by a changed gene on the X chromosome. The symptoms of this variety of ichthyosis occur at birth. The scales are large, brown, multi-eyed. The changes affect the skin of the whole body, including the armpits, groin, and elbow and knee bends. However, there is no keratosis pilaris, hyperkeratosis of the skin of the hands and feet, or atopic dermatitis. The sex-linked fish scale increases with age. Disturbances of vision (keratitis, cataracts), locomotor system (cartilage and bone development disorders, muscle atrophy and underdevelopment), hearing (deafness), central nervous system (muscle spasms, mental retardation) and fertility may be disturbed. Treatment is only symptomatic. There are no known methods to eliminate the cause of the disease.Treatment can be external or oral. The only effective oral agent is the aromatic retinoids, which the patient must take sequentially throughout his life. Withdrawal of medications means that the disease has come back. Steroids, ointments with salicylic acid and urea, baths with the addition of soda or table s alt are also used.» DALTONISM is a hereditary defect that occurs quite often in men and very rarely in women . A person with color blindness cannot distinguish certain colors, usually red and green. Complete color blindness, or black and white vision, is rare. The cause of the disease is the lack of certain suppositories needed for color vision. Light travels in waves and has a different color depending on the wavelength of the light. Suppositories are used to distinguish colors in the eye. Each contains a visual pigment, which comes in three forms. This allows the eye to respond to light waves of different lengths, such as red, green and blue. The brain collects signals from the cones and puts them together in a color image. The suppositories work properly only in good lighting, so we do not correctly distinguish colors in twilight. Unfortunately, this genetically transmitted eye defect is still not remedied by medicine.
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