Family history of neoplasms may be related to a genetic burden. Therefore, if you have a family history of cancers such as breast or ovarian cancer, colorectal cancer, kidney cancer or lung cancer, you should have a regular check-up.
Every person is a carrier of 10-20 genes that have a predisposition to serious diseases. People who come from families wherecancerwas a frequent occurrence do have a higher risk of developing the disease, but this does not mean that they will developcancer .
Cancer can run in families
For cancer to develop, a specific gene must be damaged - but not always the one that was passed on to us by our ancestors. Hereditarytumorsconstitute only 5% of all crayfish.
The most common neoplastic diseases in families include:
- breast cancer
- ovarian cancer
- lung cancer
- kidney cancer
- colorectal cancer.
If you have such genetic baggage, contact a genetic counseling center.
What to do to minimize the risk of disease, what tests should be performed? Read in the gallery on the right!
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