Lung cancer in the early stages is often asymptomatic. The first symptoms of lung cancer are also easy to miss or to mistake for an infection. Meanwhile, the later the disease is diagnosed, the worse the prognosis is - many patients with advanced-stage lung cancer do not qualify for surgery. So what are the early symptoms of lung cancer, what symptoms should be looked for, and what should alert you?
The first symptoms of lung cancer- just like the early symptoms of liver cancer, colorectal cancer and other cancers - may not appear until the disease is advanced. It is very common that early stage lung cancer is asymptomatic.
For this reason, lung cancer is usually diagnosed at an advanced stage, when the primary tumor invades the extra-pulmonary tissues or grows in the bronchi. The chances of its surgical removal are then small or even none, and the prognosis for the patient is very unfavorable.
For this reason, it is worthwhile to regularly undergo preventive examinations, including lung X-rays, and not ignore seemingly insignificant symptoms that may indicate that the lungs are developing cancer.
Lung cancer first symptoms - hoarseness
Hoarseness indicates a disturbance in the work of the vocal folds of the larynx. This symptom accompanies many infections in the area of the chest, it is also characteristic of, inter alia, for colds, reflux or some allergies. People who work with their voice, e.g. teachers, often complain about it.
A cause for concern should be hoarseness, which does not pass after two or three weeks, but is not accompanied by other symptoms, such as fever. The causes of hoarseness should always be clarified with your GP. This is important especially in the case of smokers, because cigarette smoke destroys the epithelium of the respiratory tract. It can also be one of thefirst symptoms of lung cancer .
Lung cancer first symptoms - chronic cough
The most common symptom of lung cancer is cough - statistics show that it occurs in up to 75% of people. patients, and in 1/3 of patients cough is accompanied by expectoration of secretions. Coughing occurs more often - and earlier - in lung cancer that develops in the bronchial tree.
The cause for concern should be chronica cough that lasts longer than two or three weeks or a cough that will change its nature: it will become persistent, tiring and cannot be alleviated with generally available medications.
First symptoms of lung cancer - hemoptysis
One of thefirst visible symptoms of lung cancermay also be coughing up mucus with blood or coughing up blood. There can be many reasons for this - in almost 90 percent. they are caused by such ailments as pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchitis, lung abscess, sometimes blood in the saliva also appears in people who have sick teeth.
However, it is also a symptom of lung cancer, occurring in up to 30% of people. patients with this cancer. Therefore, it must not be taken lightly - hemoptysis requires urgent medical consultation.
Lung cancer first symptoms - fatigue and weight loss
Lung cancer can also be demonstrated by a sudden weight loss without slimming, averaging around 6 kg - this symptom occurs even in half of people with lung cancer. Losing weight can be accompanied by chronic fatigue. These symptoms are characteristic of many other diseases as well, but nevertheless always require explanation, especially in the case of smokers and former cigarette smokers.
Lung cancer first symptoms - shoulder and chest pain
The first symptom of lung cancermay also be severe shoulder pain and chest pain. This pain, depending on the severity of the disease, may appear in 25-50% of patients. sick. Chest pain is the result of cancer cells infiltrating the walls of the chest, and sometimes also the ribs or the spine. Ailments in the shoulder area can be caused by a tumor developing at the apex of the lung - the Pancoast tumor.
First symptoms of lung cancer - Horner's syndrome
Horner's syndrome, which is a drooping eyelid accompanied by a constriction of the pupil, and often also atrophy of sweating on one side of the face, is also a symptom of lung cancer. It may indicate the development of a Pancoast tumor, the growth of which damages the nerves innervating the face, located in the neck area.
Lung cancer first symptoms - wheezing and shortness of breath
Shortness of breath and wheezing can have many causes, in smokers one of them is, among others, chronic bronchitis. However, these can also befirst symptoms of lung cancer .
Dyspnea can occur when a growing tumor blocks the lumen of the bronchi. Statistics show that dyspnea occurs in up to 30-50 percent. people with lung cancer. In turn, the wheezing sound when exhaling air (the so-called stridor)appears when fluid accumulates in the pleural cavity due to a growing tumor. Both symptoms require urgent medical consultation.
First symptoms of lung cancer - superior vena cava syndrome
The superior vena cava is located in the upper right mediastinum, next to the right main bronchus, and collects blood from the right half of the body. As a result of tumor growth and its infiltration into the vein, it may be compressed and the vein lumen may be narrowed.
This is when the characteristic symptoms of the superior vena cava syndrome appear, including swelling of the face and neck, facial flushing, difficulty swallowing, shortness of breath, blue skin, dizziness. Over 80 percent cases of superior vena cava syndrome result from neoplastic changes in the chest, therefore this symptom requires urgent medical consultation.