A stoma does not mean the end of life. A stoma is created when, as a result of a disease, such as a cancer, it is necessary to remove a fragment of the small intestine, large intestine, anus, or part of the urinary tract. If you follow certain rules, you can enjoy life as you used to with a fistula. What is everyday life like with a stoma?
People who have had aostomy(that's how it is professionally called), there are almost a million in the world. The development of civilization diseases means that there will be more and more of them. In Poland, about 20,000 people currently live with a stoma. sick. Most of them are women over 50. Our ignorance of this is mainly due to the fact that people are ashamed of having a stoma. It is a source of stress for them, and even when they learn to live with it, they hide it. Only doctors, nurses and the immediate family are privy. Many people, without the appropriate knowledge and professional help, limit their social contacts, give up travel, hobbies or work. Completely unnecessary.
Stomia - what is it?
A stoma (Greek for stoma - mouth, opening or opening) is a new outlet for metabolic products. It is created when, as a result of pathological changes, e.g. a cancer, it is necessary to remove a fragment of the small intestine, large intestine, anus or a part of the urinary system. During the operation, a special container is placed on the surface of the abdomen for intestinal content (feces) or urine.
- The most common iscolostomy , also called abdominal anus. It is formed after part of the large intestine is removed. The rest of it fuses with the anterior abdominal wall, either on the left or on the right. The stool is passed through the colostomy.
- The ileostomy passes out the contents of the small intestine. In this case, the terminal section of the small intestine connects to the surface of the abdomen.
- A urostomy, called a ureterostomy, connects the ureters to the abdominal wall to allow urine to drain. It is performed only in 10 percent. sick.
As a result of the creation of a stoma, the body's ability to store urine and intestinal contents is reduced. Their excretion is uncontrolled. That is why, after selecting a fistula, you need to use the so-called ostomy appliances, i.e. faecal bags glued from the outside to the abdomen.
Stomia - types of equipment
The stoma should not restrict the patient in any way. Therefore, it is important that the equipment is properly selected. Sometimes his selection takes several months, but time is not wasted. The equipment is supposed to provide a sense of comfort and safety, so it must be very tight, it must not cause irritation, and it should even care for the skin around the fistula.
- The two-piece equipment consists of a plate glued to the skin and a bag attached to it. The plaque stays on the skin for several days, the pouch is usually changed twice a day. This equipment is recommended for people immediately after surgery, patients with an ileostomy and urostomy, and those for whom a sense of security is most important.
- One-piece equipment is a bag with a piece of adhesive attached to it that sticks to the skin around the stoma. Filled - gently peels off and is replaced with a new one once a day. One-piece equipment is usually used by people with a colostomy, as well as those who like to swim or dress in body-fitting clothes.
Ostomy patient's diet
It is good to include coarse-grained, stale bread, groats, lean meat, fish, dairy products, corn and cereal flakes, fruit, vegetables, vegetable stock and lean broths. You need to drink at least 2 liters of fluid a day. Fat and sweet meals, carbonated drinks, spicy dishes, stone fruit, bloating vegetables such as peas, beans, onions, cabbage are not recommended. The method of eating is equally important. Stomics should eat at least 3 meals a day, at regular intervals, chewing thoroughly and keeping their mouths closed to avoid taking too much air. It's best to eat at the same time each time. When introducing new foods into the diet, you must try them separately and in small amounts. It is easier then to eliminate those that cause bloating, constipation or diarrhea. Warning! Tobacco is bad. A cigarette on an empty stomach can cause diarrhea.
Mental support for stoma patients
Immediately after surgery, many people experience a breakdown. They ask themselves how to go on living, they suffer with shame. Then the most important is the professional help of a nurse, sometimes also a psychologist. Before discharge from the hospital, patients must be able to put the pouch on the stoma themselves, and to clean and care for the skin around the stoma. The nurse teaches it. She is also the one who will help you accept the new situation and explain that the operation of the stoma is an ordinary, daily hygiene procedure. The best situation is for those who can count on the help of the family. Statistics show that it is they who recover the fastest, accept the new situation, do not quit their job, social life, and interests. Single people, especiallywomen cannot come to terms with their stoma. They need the help of a psychologist as well as support from ostomy organizations and volunteers. Addresses and information about their operation should be provided to every patient with a stoma in the hospital.
Stomia - he althy exercise
Aids digestion and avoids stoma complications. First of all, you need to exercise your abdominal muscles. Their weakening allows the intestine to slide out of the opening. This causes discomfort and sometimes requires another surgery. Prolapse of the stoma is common in the elderly, which is why they cannot quit exercising. Another problem associated with lack of exercise and improper diet is the concave stoma, i.e., its collapse. This causes the contents of the bag to leak, especially when lying down. This is often the case with people who gain weight after surgery: take a lot of walks, engage in light housework, but avoid bending, lifting, and heavy physical work (can cause a dangerous hernia that requires surgery within hours). Exercises are best chosen with the attending physician and the rehabilitator. When your fitness improves and there are no contraindications, you can start swimming, playing tennis, cycling.
Where to go for helpIn Poland, almost every voivodeship has from one to several clinics for patients with a stoma. There is also the Polish Society for the Care of Patients with Stoma POL-ILKO, in which people with a stoma help on a voluntary basis. You will receive the addresses and telephone numbers of all institutions close to your place of residence on the toll-free number: 0-800-120-093 (9 am-5pm). You can also search for them on the Internet at: www.convatec.pl, polilko.w.interia.pl, www.stomia.info.pl.
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