Iodine is an element that is essential for the proper development of a child. Its deficiency during pregnancy can lead to serious disorders and adversely affect the baby's nervous system. Therefore, the expectant mother should take care of the correct level of iodine in her diet every day.
It is estimated that around one and a half billion people worldwide suffer from a greater or lesseriodinedeficiency. While in adults, the insufficient level of this element is manifested by disturbed work of the hormonesthyroidand the so-called thyroid goiter, children may develop even more serious disorders. Including mental retardation.
Iodine deficiency indietcan be detected by a urine test. The correct level is at least 100 µg / l. Any fluctuations below this level are indicative of a deficiency and should be consulted with a doctor as soon as possible. Another test to determine if the level of iodine in our body is too low is to test the level of TSH in the blood.
Iodine supplementation should be performed during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Moms-to-be should have iodine levels tested at each urine check. Only by regularly checking iodine levels can you reduce the risk of a serious deficiency. But how do you get the right dose each day? Pregnant women, apart from using iodized table s alt (which is usually not used much during 9 months due to edema), should also take special iodized preparations. They are also recommended during feeding. If a woman is unable to breastfeed naturally for various reasons, the baby should be given iodized milk replacers.
ImportantDaily iodine requirement:
- newborns and infants up to 6 months old - 40 µg
- infants up to 12 months old - 50 µg
- children under three years of age - 70 µg
- children aged 4-6 - 90 µg
- children aged 7-9 - 120 µg
- older children - from 150 to 160 µg
Iodine-rich diet
Adults and older children should first of all pay attention to their diet. Ideally, it should be rich in fish, dairy products and vegetables. Within 24 hours, the body needs about 160-200 micrograms (µg) of iodine (pregnant women - 230 µg). Notit is a lot, but many products are not compensated by the presence of iodine, therefore its daily dose should be higher.