When the immune system, which is supposed to protect against infection, is not working properly, it cannot fight off the viruses and bacteria, which are extremely intrusive at this time of the year. And you go from one infection to another.

No wonder that some people get sick even several times during the season. As soon as they come out ofcolds , they immediately develop pharyngitis or bronchitis. Herpes is often caught as well. But it doesn't have to be that way. If you don't want to get sick again, you need to repair your weakened defenses. Get started!

Always heal until the end

Doctors emphasize that there is no better way to treat upper respiratory tract infections than by warming up. Therefore, don't try to get sick or go back to work right after your fever has dropped and you feel better. The world won't collapse if you stay home for a few days. Once you have recovered, slowly get into your daily routine. Otherwise, you can easily get complications or another infection, as the weakened body easily catchesvirusesandbacteria . Then the disease will disconnect you from everyday activities for a longer time.

Go for a winter walk

After illness, many people avoid taking a walk to avoid catching a cold again. This is a mistake! Movement in the fresh air perfectly oxygenates the body and improves immunity - it stimulates the production of white blood cells, increases the ability of lymphocytes to divide when germs enter the body, making it easier to overcome them, and supports the thermoregulation process, which is the basis of hardening. and frosty days. Do not be afraid of pathogenic viruses and bacteria, because they prefer closed rooms. When you recover (not sooner!), Dress appropriately, because overheating, as well as freezing, weakens your immunity, and go to the park. Remember about a hat (a lot of heat escapes through the head), warm, waterproof shoes (cold feet may lead to a weakened immune system and a cold that appears 4-5 days later), and wrap your neck in a scarf. Give your lungs a dose of oxygen by walking vigorously. Inhale slowly through your nose and out through your mouth. Gradually increase the route and the intensity of the walk. Avoid large clusters, e.g. shopping centers, postpone going to the cinema or theater. Where there are a lot of people, it is teeming with germs becausemany people sneeze and cough so it's easy to catch an infection.

Rest promotes recovery

Nothing strengthens the body's defenses like rest. Therefore, when you recover, do not throw yourself into the vortex of your daily duties, trying to catch up, because this will weaken your weakened immunity. Think about which things are really important and what can wait. Try to plan your classes in such a way as to take your time and set aside time for yourself every day. Lie down for half an hour with a book, listen to music. An important element of rest is he althy sleep, 7-8 hours. When we sleep too little, the body's defenses are disrupted. Therefore, when he is weakened by disease, do not take the night away. To fall asleep easier, ventilate the bedroom well and don't eat overnight. Do not lie down until you relax after work - the body needs at least 2 hours to calm down.

Stress weakens the body

Living in a hurry and in chronic stress is the enemy of immunity. Cortisol reduces the number of white blood cells and the body's ability to produce antibodies. Reduction of immunity and, at the same time, an excess of stress hormones lead to the disturbance of the natural bacterial flora of the mucous membranes and the multiplication of germs. That's why people who can't cope with stress are more likely to get infections, and to prevent this from happening, you need to learn how to relieve tension, especially during your recovery period. Everyone has their own way of dealing with stress. It can be massage, jacuzzi bath, yoga, knitting, going to the beautician. It is worth bringing more optimism into your life. Laughter triggers positive emotions that increase the production of immune cells and endorphins, natural anti-inflammatory substances. That is why people with a cheerful disposition get sick less often.

Start practicing

When you regain strength, include your favorite sport in your classes - swim, go to the gym, do aerobics or tennis. Exercise makes the blood flow faster, the cells get more oxygen, the immune system works more efficiently and can effectively protect us against germs. Start with stretching, breathing exercises, riding a stationary bike, gradually increasing the length and intensity of training. Remember that too much exercise works the opposite - it increases the release of stress hormones, lowering immunity, and then we are more likely to get infections. After training, rest and dry your hair, because a sharp change in temperature after going out into the cold air guarantees a sudden drop in immunity and may cause disease recurrence.

Enrich your diet with probiotics

Include in menufermented milk products containing probiotics - when consumed in the right amount, living organisms activate the immune system and strengthen the natural flora of the intestines. Additionally, by tightly covering the intestinal villi, they prevent pathogenic germs from settling there. They are effective if you eat them regularly. Eat corn flakes, wholemeal bread, thick groats, bananas - they improve the absorption of vitamins and minerals and contain prebiotics - a valuable medium for probiotics. Regular yoghurts, kefirs and silage are also valuable for he alth - they provide lactic acid bacteria that stimulate immunity. For people who are often ill or take an antibiotic, a probiotic drink alone is not enough - you should take good bacteria in the form of a preparation (from the pharmacy). The antibiotic destroys the bacteria that cause the disease, but also the natural flora of the gastrointestinal tract, which supports the immune system in the fight against pathogenic microbes (prevents germs from settling and produces substances that inhibit their growth). Probiotic preparations should be taken with the antibiotic and a few more days after discontinuing the drug.

Go on vacation

If you get sick often, take a week off. This is a very good way to improve your immunity, as long as you don't spend it at home. Climate change alone stimulates the immune system to function. At the seaside, the sea mist containing sodium, potassium, calcium, zinc and iodine s alts is beneficial, which moisturizes the mucosa of the respiratory system, has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties. Rest in the mountains, where there is less oxygen in the thinned air, activates the respiratory and hematopoietic systems. By actively resting - skiing, skating or just walking - you will gain strength to fight viruses and bacteria.

"Zdrowie" monthly
