After giving birth, a woman experiences completely new emotions, but also unknown ailments and inconveniences. During the first few days after giving birth, a fresh wound on the perineum is very troublesome. How to take care of it to avoid infection?

Empty your bladder and intestines as soon as possible after giving birth

Both the first and the second step areafter childbirthextremely important - it favors the contraction of the uterus, prevents venous stasis, protects the urinary system againstinfection . The sooner you can urinate and defecate, the better. Ideallybladdershould be emptied 6-8 hours after giving birth. Try to do this by standing in the shower and pouring water over yourself. Or sit on the toilet (don't be afraid, the stitches won't come apart!) And turn on the tap - the sound of running water should help you. If you fail to pee within a dozen or so hours, you will be given a one-time catheter. You should empty your intestines within 3 days after giving birth. If it fails - use the glycerin suppositories.

Apply cold compresses to painful areas after giving birth

Temporary perineal pain can be reduced by cold compresses - wrap a few ice cubes (or a bag of ready-made frozen vegetables) in a clean, cotton cloth and put it against the perineum for 10-15 minutes. In the same way, you can help yourself if you suffer from hemorrhoids.

Get to know the necessary information about the puerperium

Take water to the toilet after giving birth

A fresh wound on the perineum may sting when urinating. You will ease the pinching by pouring water over yourself. You can do this in the shower, but it's also convenient to keep a water bottle in the toilet and pee while you pee in front of it.

According to an expert

Observe the bleeding - advises Anna Kalinowska-Garbala, midwife from the hospital of St. Zofia in Warsaw.

In the first days of puerperium, your bleeding will be heavy, more heavy than your period. It should gradually decrease. You may notice a worsening of bleeding while you are breastfeeding as oxytocin is released, which contracts the uterine muscle. This may be accompanied by aching pains in the abdomen. During the upright position, you may have the feeling that more blood has fallen - this is normal: when you get up, the vaginal discharge will evacuate. Bleeding will gradually decrease, as evidenced by the healing of the uterusmucous feces. The process of uterine regeneration takes 6 weeks, after which time it is recommended to visit the gynecologist. See your doctor or hospital early if you recognize the following symptoms: no bleeding in the first week after delivery, heavy bleeding after a period of moderate bleeding, associated with high temperature and severe abdominal pain, vivid red spotting lasting more than 3-4 weeks. In these situations, diagnosis is required, sometimes medication and sometimes even hospitalization. Watch the bleeding! says

Do not bathe after giving birth

For 6 weeks after giving birth - this is how long the uterus heals - you cannot bath in the bathtub. You should wash yourself under running water, i.e. in the shower. And if you do not have running water, wash in a bowl, which then thoroughly wash it (it is even worth scalding it with boiling water).

Watch out for infections after giving birth!

If you notice that a wound on your perineum or abdomen turns red, swollen, more painful, oozes discharge or pus - see a doctor as soon as possible as these may be signs of a bacterial infection. If that were the case, you should take an antibiotic.

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