The sooner you find colorectal cancer, the better your chances of recovery. The diagnosis of colorectal cancer will be accelerated by a fecal occult blood test available at pharmacies. If you have symptoms of cancer, do a home fecal occult blood test.

Tests are available at every pharmacy to diagnose many diseases, includingcolon cancer home test . The test, which until now could only be performed in a specialized laboratory, can now be performed independently at home.

Colorectal cancer - incidence increases

Colorectal cancer is the second killer among cancer, after breast cancer in women and lung cancer in men. In Poland, 12 thousand are diagnosed. cases per year, more than half of them die! For comparison, 5 Polish women die of cervical cancer daily, 30 people die of colorectal cancer. The incidence of this type of cancer, i.e. of the colon, rectum and anus, is systematically increasing, by an average of 3% per year. The disease develops most often in highly developed countries, and is probably related to the specificity of our times: stress, lack of exercise, constipation caused by a diet poor in natural vitamins, calcium, and fiber. Unfortunately, the awareness of Poles is low, and prevention is low. Therefore, most neoplastic lesions are detected in the stage with little hope. The scary fact is that over 80% of Poles do not report any complaints to their GP!

Recognize Colon Cancer Symptoms

Meanwhile, cancer is not a death sentence. In most cases, when detected early, it is curable. The most effective method of preventing this disease is prophylaxis. An active lifestyle, a diet rich in fiber and vitamins, and regular examinations reduce the risk of getting sick. Control tests are the best guarantee of our he alth. These symptoms are disturbing:

  • stomach pains
  • feeling of heaviness
  • flatulence
  • prolonged digestive disorders
  • defecation disorders
  • sudden weight loss
  • blood in stool

If you notice them, get tested immediately! The basic test is the FOB Test (Fecal Occult Blood) - a test for occult blood in the feces. It can be purchased at any pharmacy, it is cheap and easyin use - just follow the attached instructions. If the result of the FOB Test is positive, see your doctor.
