What to do to survive in good physical and mental condition until old age? It turns out that the strength of the brain depends on lifestyle. You need to know that physical activity not only strengthens the muscles, but also improves the state of mind.
Michelangelo painted his most magnificent frescoes in his seventies. Goethe wrote Faust when he was eighty! George Bernard Shaw, like Isaac Newton and Harry S. Truman after the age of 80 were still intellectually active.
Can the mind be ageless? What to do to maintain a good mental condition in the fall of life?
We ask Natalia and Krzysztof Minge, psychologists and authors of the book "Mind Training for 50+ People":
Does the brain age?
Krzysztof Minge:Of course. Like any organ of the living organism, our brain is subject to the aging process, but we can counteract it. We can persuade him to rebuild the cavities so that he can operate at a similar level over the years.
The brain remains phenomenally plastic and self-repairing, and research has shown that it develops throughout life. Although we reach the intellectual peak at a certain point in life, then we can try to maintain this state.
Also find out: At what age should you stop driving?
How are the degenerating processes of the mind going?
Natalia Minge:As the years go by, cells throughout our body divide slower and slower, and their regeneration takes place more slowly. They deal with the toxins that the body gets more and more difficult. Adverse changes have a common source - the cause of aging of our body, including the brain, is mainly hormonal changes.
After the age of fifty, the level of growth hormone, also known as the youth hormone - somatotropin, drops sharply. It is she who stimulates the constant renewal of tissues. It makes, for example, a child grows, and self-regulation processes take place in our body. When it is missing, cells lose their ability to repair themselves and die.
The decrease in somatropin levels is also accompanied by a decrease in the production of sex hormones, which initiates meno- and andropause. The aging of the organism then gains a faster pace.
Why do some people in their 80s amaze with their psychophysical condition, and others in their 60s suffer from dementia?
K.M.:For the same reason that one eighty-year-old can run a marathon and another of his peers is unable to leave the house. Everyone ages at a different pace.
Genes affect the rate of aging?
N.M.:Only in part, but we can also influence it. By looking at the history of our loved ones, we can determine our own genetic background. For example, if my mother had dementia or suffered from Alzheimer's disease, then at the age of 40 I should take care of my brain with redoubled strength; go to the doctor regularly, do tests and constantly train your mind.
But not only that - brain power also depends on lifestyle. Our old age can become revenge for how we lived. There are, of course, exceptions to this rule. For example, the outstanding writer and intellectual Czesław Miłosz, who cannot be said to have led a he althy, hygienic lifestyle, amazed with his intellectual condition until his death.
What does our brain need most to function effectively despite age?
K.M.:One of the most important foundations for the he althy functioning of our body is exercise. This type of activity not only strengthens the muscles, but also improves the overall state of mind. Movement improves the blood supply and nourishment of the entire body, including the brain - more blood flows to it, and therefore more oxygen, which means that the mind can function more intensively, remember and concentrate better.
Secondly, when we move, the concentration of neurotransmitters in a well-oxygenated brain increases and endorphins, called happiness hormones, are released. They reduce the feeling of pain, improve your mood and make you want to live.
Movement therapy is also the best prevention of depression, which often affects people over 50
N.M.:Stress is natural and necessary for survival. It starts to be a problem when it becomes a chronic condition that can lead to depression, but not only it. People suffering from chronic stress are more exposed to, for example, cancer, including dementia, especially after the age of 50.
So you have to learn to control your own emotions and to some extent your own mood. Well-being is especially important for the brain because emotions control cognitive processes. Under the influence of stress, they can be blocked, which will result in the loss of the ability to remember and concentrate. Relaxing exercises that reduce stress levels and exercise such as walkingswimming, yoga, dancing, aerobics greatly support mental functions. And most importantly, it is never too late to take up such activity.
We can also influence the work of the brain through our eating habits. What to eat to wake him up?
K.M.:Research shows a close relationship between diet and human behavior. Being overweight and eating cholesterol-rich foods have an impact on the incidence of dementia, including Alzheimer's disease. Also, micronutrients contained (or not) in food can affect behavior and mental mood, as well as the ability to concentrate and control emotions.
The key elements for the functioning of the body are: magnesium, zinc, iron, calcium, and the right amount of vitamins in the diet. The nutritional principle should also be varied food based on natural products. In particular, to protect your brain, you should eat fish (such as salmon, mackerel or sardines) at least once a week, and use rapeseed oil or olive oil for frying.
It is not only important what you eat, but also the amount of food you eat. Eating less means more he alth. Alcohol also deserves a separate treatment. In small doses it has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, in larger amounts it increases the risk of alcoholism, heart disease, cancer, stroke, Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia.
For the sake of intellectual condition, apart from exercise and diet, there is also an appropriate mind training
K.M.:When the slightest symptoms of problems with intellectual performance appear, we should start intensive activities to reverse this process. Obviously, the better exercised the brain, the easier it is to counteract degeneration. If we cause muscle wasting, it will be difficult for us to rebuild them. The same happens with our brain, but it is never too late to train it.
Memory-stimulating exercises that support your thinking are key. Because poor memory limits your ability to think. There are different strategies for dealing with forgetfulness, and in our guide "Mind training for people aged 50+" we have proposed our own sets of memory exercises that can be used every day in all conditions.
Remember that although we cannot stop time, we still have an influence on its slowing down. It only depends on us whether our old age will be he althy and happy.
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