An incorrect cytology result does not have to mean the worst. Cervical cancer takes many years to develop before it reaches a life-threatening stage. The sooner steps are taken to combat this disease, the greater the chances of winning.
Abnormal Pap smear resultscan be a source of anxiety and stress. However, don't panic, ascervical cancer(RSM) does not develop overnight. 3-10 years pass from the time of HPV infection to the development of invasive cancer. If a woman has a systematic Pap smear, she has a good chance of completely overcoming the disease.
Cytology - a test that must not be underestimated
Cytology is an extremely valuable test in the prevention and diagnosis of cervical cancer. It allows you to detect not only inflammation and determine its cause, but also capture early neoplastic changes when they do not cause any ailments and - most importantly - when they are completely treatable. The value of the cytological examination depends on the assessment and interpretation of morphological changes and their correct classification, which is valuable information for the attending physician about the further course of treatment and the date of the next examination. The currently recommended classification of cytological smears in Poland is the Descriptive Bethesda System (TBS), although the grading of smears in the five-point Papanicolau (PAP) scale is still common - however, it is considered insufficient, because it does not provide the gynecologist with all the information essential for further treatment. In screening programs, abnormal Pap smear results account for 1 to 8 percent. all smears assessed. In Poland, as part of the Cervical Cancer Prevention Program, in 2008, among 795,288 tests performed, there were 19,296 (2.43%) abnormal cytology results.
CHECK>>Bethesda system - cytology results Bethesda system
In the case of abnormal cytology results, it is necessary to confirm or exclude pre-neoplastic lesions and the cancer itself. For this purpose, further tests are used to verify the cytological result, and in the case of pre-cancerous and cancerous lesions, they enable quick treatment.In the case of unclear results (ASC-US, LSIL; group IIIA), two repeated cytological examinations at 6-month intervals after previous anti-inflammatory treatment, as well as the HPV HR test, which is used to detect the presence of DNA or mRNA of highly oncogenic types of HPV virus. In some cases, colposcopy is recommended; if the cytology results suggest cancerous lesions and cancer (ASC-H, HSIL, AGC; groups IIIB, IV and V), colposcopy is performed. It is a high magnification view of the cervix after applying the vinegar test and the Schiller test, i.e. washing the cervix with dilute acetic acid and iodine. Abnormal cells stain specifically, which allows to precisely identify suspicious places and indicate which should be examined histopathologically. Based on the results obtained in this way, appropriate treatment is applied depending on the nature of the lesion and its severity. To determine the stage of the disease as accurately as possible, additional blood counts, urine tests, transvaginal and abdominal ultrasound, cystoscopy, rectoscopy and chest X-ray are performed. There are many methods of treating precancerous and cancerous lesions of the cervix. In stage 0 (carcinoma in situ), when the cancer is confined to the epithelium, the following treatments are possible: The choice of the appropriate method depends on the woman's age and plans to have children. At the stages when the cancer crosses the basal membrane of the cervix and infiltrates deeper tissues (I-IV), as well as adjacent organs, the following are used: The chance of curing Cancer depends on the stage of the cancer at the time of treatment, the age and general he alth of the woman, and the use of appropriate treatment. During and after treatment, psychological help may be necessary, because in the case of a diagnosis of cancer, it is not easy to cope with the difficult emotions accompanying the disease. In such a situation, the support of relatives may turn out to be insufficient, and specialist help (preferably a psycho-oncologist) allows you to accept the disease, face anxiety, improve your mental state and support the recovery process. Cervical cancer can develop in any woman, regardless of age. The peak incidence occurs between the age of 45 and 59. Every day 10 Polish women learn about the disease, and 5 of them die because they came to the doctor too late. However, from a medical point of view, it is easy to detect: it develops in an organ readily available for research, has well-described precancerous conditions that can be fully cured. Pre-cancerous lesions or early cancer develop secretly, without warning signs. Only as the disease progresses, unusual bleeding (between menstruation, after intercourse, after menopause), profuse vaginal discharge, pain in the lower abdomen during intercourse or when urinating, swelling of the legs may appear. Often, only these ailments lead to a visit to the gynecologist, but then it turns out that the chances of recovery drastically decrease. "Zdrowie" monthlyIncorrect result is the beginning of the test
Treatment depends on the stage of the disease
After the procedure: support from a psycho-oncologist
Gynecologist once a year