Vaginal globules are not only a contraceptive. It is also used in this form for medication when you have inflammation (such as mycosis). In addition, vaginal globules are used, inter alia, in to relieve the feeling of dryness in the intimate area and pain during intercourse. Check how vaginal globules work and how to use them.

Vaginal Globulesis a form of medicine, contraceptive, moisturizing or regenerating agent intended for vaginal use.

Vaginal globules - indications for use

Contraceptive globulescan be the main method of contraception or used in addition to other methods of contraception.

Moisturizing vaginal globulescan be used to treat vaginal dryness and relieve pain during intercourse

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On the other hand,regenerating vaginal globulesare intended for women with abnormal changes in the vaginal epithelium (dystrophy, atrophy), caused e.g. by estrogen deficiency (which happens in women in menopausal age), the use of hormonal drugs or chemotherapy and radiotherapy. These types of globules are also intended for women after gynecological procedures and after childbirth (while healing wounds). They will also work well after antibiotic treatment.

There are alsovaginal pessaries for inflammationcaused by fungi, viruses and bacteria. They can be used for candidiasis, genital warts and to prevent recurrence of infection with the herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2).

In addition, some globules can be used as an adjunct in erosions of the cervix.

Vaginal globules - how do they work?

Contraceptive globules, when inserted into the vagina, dissolve and take the form of a microfoam that fills the vagina and evenly distributes the spermicidal component (usually nonoxynol). At the same time, the foam is an impermeable barrier for the sperm.

Moisturizing vaginal globules contain compounds that soothe the feeling of dryness, tension, itching and burning in intimate areas and relieve painduring intercourse. The hyaluronic acid contained in them moisturizes the vaginal mucosa, while lactic acid helps to maintain the correct pH of the vagina, and thus reduces the risk of infection. The propolis contained in this type of globules has a similar effect. In turn, glycogen is a nutrient for lactobacilli, which form the natural bacterial flora of the vagina, which protects it against infections and helps to maintain the correct pH.

Globulki do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases and HIV infection.

In turn, regenerative vaginal globules support the healing and reconstruction process of the vaginal tissues. All mainly thanks to hyaluronic acid, which ensures the tension and elasticity of tissues. In addition, these types of globules also contain many natural substances that support the regenerative effect, such as, for example, calendula oil extract, aloe oil extract or tea tree oil extract.

On the other hand,antifungal globules ,antibacterialand antiviral, thanks to the fact that they act directly in the vagina, i.e. the affected area, increase the potency the medicinal ingredients they contain. It is worth knowing that they contain not only substances that fight pathogens, but also other compounds, such as, for example, lactic acid, which recreates the naturally acidic environment of the vagina.


Vaginal globules - contraindications

Vaginal globules should not be used during menstruation, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and together with condoms and latex contraceptive pads.

Vaginal globules - how to use?

Contraceptive pills are used 10-20 minutes before intercourse.

In the case of moisturizing or regenerating globules, one globule is used once a day - in the evening (before bedtime), for a period of 10 consecutive days. Also after this period, the globules can be used to maintain the obtained effect. In such a case, one globule should be used every three days for as long as desired.

Regenerating globules should be used until symptoms disappear, but not longer than for 9 days (ask your doctor for the exact time of use). Similarly with vaginal globules for ringworm, bacterial and viral infections (and therefore usuallyby prescription ). However, in this case, usually one globule is used once a day for seven days.

Vaginal globules - how to apply?

Before inserting the globule, lie on your back. The globule should be inserted into the vagina with a finger as much as possibledeepest, remembering to thoroughly wash the external genitalia and hands before using them ( although usually a special glove is attached to each globule). Some globules (read the leaflet carefully!) Can be moistened with boiled, cooled water to facilitate insertion into the vagina.

When using the globules, it is recommended to wear sanitary pads / pads to avoid contamination of underwear and bedding.
