The pacemaker is designed to regulate the work of the heart and normalize its rhythm. What diseases absolutely require the implantation of a pacemaker? When is a pacemaker by choice implanted?

A pacemakernot only improves the quality of life, but also saves and prolongs it.The indications for pacemakersmay be absolute or relative.

Absolute indications for pacemaker implantation

  • 3rd degree AV block
  • Mobitz second-degree atrioventricular block: symptomatic, with symptoms that appear during exercise
  • in people after myocardial infarction and heart transplant with symptomatic and asymptomatic course and stage II or III block (after myocardial infarction) or only in the presence of symptoms (after heart transplant)
  • bundle branch blocks with documented type II or III block conduction disturbances or documented electrophysiological HV prolongation>100 ms, even in asymptomatic patients and in the case of one branch block
  • atrial fibrillation with slow ventricular rate below 50 beats per minute or with symptoms of peripheral ischemia (loss of consciousness, fainting, dizziness) or heart failure
  • conduction block after conduction ablation or bradyarrhythmia 40-50 beats per minute or the presence of 4-5 s pauses
  • sick sinoatrial syndrome and tachy-brady syndrome
  • symptomatic drug-induced bradycardia, if there are absolute indications for continued use
  • long QT syndrome for bradycardia or interruptions resulting in ventricular tachycardia attacks
  • autonomic nervous system-related bradycardia, when pauses (interruptions) in cardiac activity last longer than 3 s
  • Vasovagal syndrome with symptomatic inhibition of sinus rhythm leading to syncope.

Relative indications for pacemaker implantation

  • asymptomatic third degree AV block with heart rate greater than 40 beats per minute
  • asymptomatic Mobitz 2nd degree atrioventricular block
  • asymptomatic 1st degree atrioventricular block upeople with heart failure
  • after myocardial infarction - asymptomatic second or third degree block with ventricular action>50 beats per minute
  • after heart transplant - symptomatic block of I and II degree
  • symptomatic block of one of the bundle branches with normal HV spacing
  • asymptomatic sinus node disorder with even action<40 uderzeń na minutę ale bez pauz trwających powyżej 3 s
  • congenital long QT syndrome
  • hypertrophic, constricting and dilated cardiomyopathy - the current indication is presented as relative as there are different opinions about its use in these indications.
