The DASH diet was developed by American specialists from the National Institute of Heart, Lung and Hematopoietic System. Using the DASH diet can not only reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels very quickly, but also allow you to lose unnecessary kilograms. Check what are the rules of the DASH diet and what should be included in its menu.
The DASHdiet may be the first step in the fight against hypertension. Does theDASHdiet mean sacrifices and counting every calorie? The answer is no. - You only need to know what to eat and what to avoid. - This diet does not have to be monotonous and distasteful, it is enough to introduce a few simple changes in the way of everyday nutrition, and we will quickly see the benefits in the form of a beautiful figure and improved he alth - says Prof. Krystyna Widecka, president of the Polish Society of Hypertension and initiator of the program "All of Poland heals hypertension".
DASH diet - for whom?
The DASH diet was developed by American specialists from the National Institute of Heart, Lung and Hematopoietic System. Following the DASH diet can not only lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels very quickly. It is also recommended in the prevention of diabetes and obesity.

Following the DASH diet can help reduce blood pressure by 10 - 20 mm Hg. What's more, the DASH diet also protects against diabetes, osteoporosis and cancer. It also helps you lose weight.
The DASH diet is supposed to provide no more than 2000 kcal. So it is not a slimming diet, but it provides a he althy amount of calories. The main principle of the DASH diet is to reduce sodium intake. You should give up cold cuts and highly processed foods, avoid smoked products. Check the sodium content in 100 g of products on the label and choose those that have less sodium. It's worth checking the labels of bread - and choose whole grains, because there is usually less sodium there. You should also check butters and butter-margarine mixes. Watch out for tomato preserves - sauces and ketchups, there is usually a lot of sodium there too.
The positive effects for the whole body resulting from the diet make it suitable not only for people suffering from hypertension, but also for all peoplewho want to eat he althy and tasty
DASH diet - rules. What you can and can't eat
A nutrition program based on theDASH principlesis very diverse. You should follow a few rules that will make our daily nutrition tasty and he althy without much sacrifice.
- Limit your s alt intake to 5-6 g per day (half a teaspoon). Since 50-70 percent. s alt comes from products bought in the store, you should choose food that is as least processed as possible - avoid cold cuts, ready meals, canned food. Read labels carefully - sodium chloride is found even where you do not expect it at all, e.g. in vegetable juices, corn flakes, cottage cheese, yoghurt
- Replace white bread and pasta with wholemeal bread and brown rice. Every day we should eat at least 6 servings of cereal products, for example, a slice of bread or 150 g of brown rice.
- Increase the amount of vegetables you eat. Bet on salads and salads. Every day you should provide the body with about 4 servings of vegetables, for example 170 ml of juice.
- It is advisable to consume the fruit about 4 times a day, using e.g. a medium fruit per portion. Let's go for apples, raspberries or blueberries, they can be successfully used as a delicious dessert or snack.
- Let's not forget about drinking milk, eating yoghurt and cottage cheese. Every day, it is recommended to provide about 2-3 portions of lean dairy products, for example, a glass of skim milk or a cup of yogurt. Choose lean meats, especially poultry, such as chicken or turkey, and remember to eat fish. We should eat 1-2 servings of these products every day, taking 90 g of cooked meat or fish per serving.
- Includes legume seeds in the diet, especially beans, peas, soybeans and lentils, as well as seeds of other plants, such as pumpkin seeds and sesame. You should consume about 3 servings of these products during the week, taking half a cup of boiled peas or 40 g of nuts per serving.
- Replace animal fats with vegetable fats such as olive oil or canola oil. During the day, you should provide the body with 2 portions of fats, the recommended portion being, for example, a tablespoon of margarine.
DASH diet - we avoid sweets
In ready-made cakes, biscuits or cookies, as well as bars and desserts (even apparently he althy ones made from semolina), there are generally trans fats - extremely unhe althy and harmful to the circulatory system.
The DASH diet does not require the complete elimination of sweets. However, remember to choose products with the lowest possible fat content. You shouldn't eat moreproducts from this group than 2-3 servings a week, as servings specifying e.g. a spoonful of sugar or jam.
Therefore, during the DASH diet, we give up such desserts completely. Ice cream and sorbet are allowed, as well as low-fat cakes, preferably homemade, because then we know that we did not use trans fats. You can also eat low-sugar jams and jellies. However, we can only reach for sweets 5 times a WEEK. One serving of sweets is: a spoonful of sugar, jelly or jam or a glass of lemonade (or other sweetened drink). 4-5 times a week, we can also afford nuts, seeds and legumes. They are an excellent source of valuable protein, fiber and important minerals, and nuts and seeds additionally fatty acids - however, they are high in calories and cannot be eaten too often. We avoid alcohol (it is high in calories and raises blood pressure) and we do not overdo it with caffeine.
Worth knowingThe DASH diet is a way of life!
Thanks to the positive results of the DASH diet, it is not limited by time barriers. According to prof. Krystyna Widecka, this diet can become an element of our daily functioning for the rest of our lives. The DASH diet is based on the consumption of adequate amounts of products rich in important nutrients and minerals. It is not aimed at slimming, but for people who ate incorrectly, it can contribute to faster loss of unnecessary kilograms.
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