If you put too many responsibilities on your spine every day, it eventually rebels. This can be seen as neck and headache, but also chest pressure or flatulence. See which non-specific symptoms can be a sign of back disease.
Where does it come fromback pain ?Back paincan have very different causescausesand, importantly,symptomsdamage can be very different. One of the spine's biggest enemies is its sedentary lifestyle. This applies equally to men and women. However, women are predisposed to problems with the spine due to their anatomical structure.
First, we have at least 30 percent. weaker muscles than men, and therefore our spine is less resistant to overloads, especially static ones, such as prolonged sitting.
Secondly, the female figure is characterized by increased lumbar lordosis, i.e. deepened curvature of the spine in the lumbar region. And this promotes pain in the lower spine.
Do not take these symptoms lightly! They may be a sign of back problems
Back pain is not the only signal that an overloaded spine sends us. The fact that something bad is happening to him may also be indicated by other symptoms:
- headaches - very often associated with the cervical spine, with a blood supply disorder due to incorrect position and muscle overload;
- flatulence, constipation, pain imitating appendicitis - may be the result of problems with the lumbar spine, and ailments appear when it presses on the nerves surrounding the digestive system;
- dysmenorrhea - pains may be directly related to the pelvis, more precisely - to the position of the last lumbar spine segments and the sacroiliac joint;
- breathing problems, pseudo-infarction heart pains - affect the thoracic spine and are the result of prolonged immobilization in an inclined position, which may be decisive for irritation of the nerves, e.g. the heart, and reduced mobility of the chest;
- numbness of the hand, pains radiating from the shoulder or elbow downwards, decreased feeling, problems with grasping small objects - may indicate overload in the cervical spine;
- pains under the knee, calf or foot - this is how they can manifestproblems with the lumbar spine.
Overload-related myofascial pain accounts for 80% of all ailments and are the result of a malfunction on a daily basis. We can get rid of them, not by jamming them with a pill, but by changing our habits.

Causes of pain in the lower back
However, the anatomy can only be partially blamed, because we largely work on our own for problems with the spine. He is disastrously affected by lack of exercise, bad habits, negligent standing and sitting, unskillful lifting and walking in high heels. If we also sleep in an uncomfortable bed, we do not give the spine a chance to regenerate.
Overweight is a huge burden for the spine. When we lift extra pounds over the years, the intervertebral discs are dramatically damaged and the joints wear out, which leads to degenerative disease. Its first symptom is pains in the back, making it difficult to bend or even move.
A significant challenge for our "scaffolding" is the period of pregnancy, and then caring for the baby, when we lift and lift the baby several dozen times a day. We don't really think about whether we are doing it the right way. Unfortunately, excessive loads on the spine accumulate …
Emotional overloads and life in a hurry also do their job: muscles respond to stress with constant tension, and if this situation lasts for a long time, it leads to chronic pain and permanent degenerative changes.
Back pain and spine pain
Back pain is one of the most common ailments that affects adults. Hear what, according to Jacek Bilczyński, is the main cause of back pain.