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To take care of the heart, it is usually enough to modify your habits. Remember, the heart likes physical activity, the Mediterranean diet, no stress, rest, and acetylsalicylic acid.

Physical effort

Regular, but not too strenuous training doubles the network of blood vessels and enlarges their cross-section. This allows more oxygen-rich blood to reach the heart. Systematic exercise can also significantly increase the level of goodcholesterol (HDL)and lower sugar andreduce blood pressure- and these are the risk factorsheart attackandstroke.
Exercise every morning for a quarter of an hour. It does not have to be a competitive training, it is important that it matches your performance. If you've only been sitting on the couch so far, walks and jogs are enough to start with. When you get in shape, choose - better in consultation with your doctor - more intense sports activities, such as swimming, rowing, cycling, rollerblading, ice skating, badminton or tennis. Don't look for an excuse that there is no swimming pool in your town. You can spend a lot of traffic going up the stairs or walking part of the way to work.

Smart diet

The one we commonly callMediterranean is the bestfor the heart. There is little red meat andhighly processed food , but a lot of fish and fresh vegetables. As a result, the concentration of bad cholesterol in the blood is lowered, it lowers blood pressure and the tendency of blood cells to stick together, which is the formation of dangerous clots. Moreover, fish oils counteract heart rhythm disturbances. So eat 3-5 light meals a day. Include a large portion of vegetables and fruit in each. Use2 tablespoons of olive oildaily (e.g. for salads, salads, and for dipping bread). Have fish and poultry on your plate 3-4 times a week. Red meat (including cold cuts) should be used as a flavor and not as the basis of the meal. Replace rolls, wheat bread and potatoes with whole grain breads, pasta, rice and coarse-grained groats. Drink low-fat yogurt, milk, kefir and buttermilk every day. And always choose leaner cheeses.

Worth knowing

Avoid getting infected

Infections, or rather the accompanying high fever and dehydration, canput a serious strain on the heart and the entire circulatory system. Complications from the flu can cause heart failure. Infectious diseases have the greatest impact on the heart and circulation if the person is not in bed.

Sleep and relaxation

The heart needs rest. Not only the one we provide him at night, but also the longer one. This is favored by a change in climate, diet and spending more time outdoors in motion. If you believe that there are no irreplaceable people, the rest will be easy. Also remember to get enough sleep - an adult needs 7-8 hours of sleep a day for the body to regenerate. Two weekends a month should be devoted to hobby or active relaxation. Do not waste your vacation renovating the apartment. The heart will be grateful if you change your daily lifestyle twice a year for two weeks.

Red wine

Contains the so-called polyphenols, which are antiatherogenic and slightly raise the level of good cholesterol (HDL). This drink has a positive effect on the heart and circulatory system, provided that we do not overdo it with the amount. Higher doses of alcohol (regardless of alcohol strength) can lead to heart failure. A he althy person can afford a glass of red wine once a day. Alcohol widens the arteries, but only… the he althy ones. Those overgrown with atherosclerotic plaque will not gain elasticity, they will not relax or shrink better.

Support from the pharmacy

ASA - acetylsalicylic acid- is a component of drugs (eg Aspirin, Acard, Polocard) that are administered prophylactically or therapeutically in some heart diseases. Usually, it is recommended to take 75 mg of ASA daily, but the actual dose should be determined with your doctor. Systematic use of ASA for a year by 30 percent. reduces the risk of another heart attack and limits atherosclerotic changes.

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