Diseases of the vagina are caused by infections with viruses, bacteria and protozoa. The symptoms of vaginitis or Bartholinitis may be slight and easy to ignore, but the consequences are serious. Vaginal neoplasms occur occasionally, the causes of which are unknown.
The vaginais a highly stretchable and flexible muscle channel that allows the penis to penetrate and introduce sperm into the woman's genital tract during sexual intercourse, facilitating fertilization. During childbirth, it is the route for the newborn to get out. It is also a drainage channel for menstrual blood.
It is of great importance in the protection of further sections of the genital tract against external infection. It is possible because, under the influence of lactobacilli (present in the vaginal secretion of a he althy woman), lactic acid is formed from glycogen, which creates an acidic environment in the vagina (pH 3.5-4.5), which is a very effective barrier to pathogenic microorganisms. .
Vaginal inflammation
Vaginitisdevelops from infection with protozoa, fungi, bacteria or viruses. The infection is favored by mechanical injuries of the vagina (e.g. during masturbation, childbirth, miscarriage, intercourse shortly after childbirth), frequent change of sexual partners, insufficient or excessive hygiene, use of drugs and chemicals disturbing the acidic environment of the vagina (e.g. intimate deodorants, soaps, lotions) for Bath). It can happen at any age.
Symptoms : Change in the appearance or increase in vaginal discharge, which may be greenish in color and with an unpleasant odor. Itching and burning in the vulva area. Sometimes there are pains in the lower abdomen and increased body temperature.
Examination : A gynecological examination is performed and a vaginal smear is taken for microscopic examination to find out the inflammation and determine its type.
Therapy : Depending on the cause of the inflammation, it is recommended to use intravaginal anti-inflammatory drugs, antifungal drugs or antibiotics (after antibiotic therapy, use vaginal preparations with lactobacilli to rebuild the vaginal microflora). Treatment should also cover your partner.
It's worth itto know : Seemingly harmless inflammation can spread further to the genital tract, causinginflammation of the appendagesor cervical inflammation, so the infection should not be taken lightly.
Bartholin gland inflammation
It is usually caused by staphylococci, streptococci, cocci (gonococci) which penetrate the ducts of Bartholin's glands (they are located in the vestibule of the vagina; they produce a discharge that moistens the entrance to the vagina). The disease usually results in obstruction of the gland outlet and accumulation of purulent contents. Infection mainly happens to young women who frequently change sexual partners. It may develop in the event of recurrent bacterial vaginosis or be the consequence of gonorrhea.
Symptoms : A painful thickening forms on the labia majora, followed by an abscess the size of a plum. A fever may occur.
Examination : A gynecological examination is required.
Therapy : Use sitz baths in a potassium permanganate solution and astringent ointments to limit the development of inflammation and lead to the formation of an abscess, which is then incised and its contents removed. After the procedure, antibiotics are used.
Good to know : Untreated infection can become chronic.
Vaginal cancer
Occurs rarely. The most common form is squamous cell carcinoma or unicellular adenoma. The lesions are usually located in the upper part of the vagina, close to the cervix. Squamous cell carcinoma most often develops between the ages of 45 and 65, and unicellular adenoma - in younger ones. The causes of this tumor are unknown.
Symptoms : Vaginal cancer often does not cause any discomfort, both in the early and advanced stages. Sometimes there is a profuse vaginal discharge, as well as bleeding after a gynecological examination or sexual intercourse. If the cancer is in the bladder, it may be difficult to pass urine.
Examination : A gynecological and cytological examination is performed. In case of doubt, a Schiller test is performed (the vaginal tissues are smeared with Lugol's solution; the patients will stain pink or white), followed by colposcopy to obtain a specimen for histopathological examination.
Therapy : Depending on the stage of the disease, internal irradiation (brachytherapy) and surgical treatment (partial or complete removal of the vagina and lymph nodes) are used.
Good to know : Primary vaginal cancer accounts for approx. 1 percent. malignant tumors of the genital organs. Metastatic cancers are the ones thatthey come e.g. from the cervix or uterus, ovaries.
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