How to detox your body? Instead of using special cleansing diets, when composing your daily menu, include products that improve metabolism and help cleanse the body of toxins. Thanks to them you will regain vigor, you will feel light and be more beautiful. Here are our masters of detox - products that speed up the body's detox.
Cleansing the bodyhas become fashionable not only in spring. But doesdetoxonce a year really make sense? Perhaps a better solution is to introduce products to the daily menu that will have a positive effect on metabolism and cleanse the body of toxins throughout the year. Here is a list of products that will helpcleanse the body of toxins .
Cleansing the body: water
Water filters the kidneys, removes waste products and toxins. All organs need water to function properly, so if you drink too little, you may experience headaches, fatigue, dry skin, constipation. Your body loses water from breathing, sweating and urinating, so you need to constantly replenish it. Drink approx. 2 liters of water every day, also in the form of fruit and herbal teas. Drinking water before a meal reduces your appetite.
Cleansing the body: lemon
Lemon supports the work of the liver and its cleansing of harmful substances, and helps dissolve gallstones. Although it has a sour taste, it has an alkaline effect on the body, thanks to which it facilitates the process of its detoxification. To de-acidify the body, drink water with squeezed lemon juice every day. It is also worth drinking lemon water in the morning on an empty stomach to stimulate the intestines to work.
Cleansing the body: green tea
Green tea regulates digestion and supports liver metabolism, and the catechins contained in it accelerate fat burning. Contains polyphenols that scavenge toxic oxygen free radicals, protecting against cancer and cardiovascular diseases, and effectively cleanses the body of harmful metabolic products. To get its valuable properties out of tea, pour water on the leaves at approx. 80 ° C.
Meet the detox accelerating products

Cleansing the body: cranberry
Fresh fruit and cranberry juicecontain substances with antibacterial properties - they prevent bacteria from settling on the walls of the urinary tract and the bladder. Cranberry also has a diuretic effect and accelerates the cleansing of toxins from the body. Like other red fruits (including raspberries, cherries, blueberries), which also help remove harmful substances from the body - it contains a lot of fiber to improve intestinal peristalsis and anthocyanins from the group of antioxidants (more precisely - flavonoids) that destroy oxygen free radicals, which makes that it prevents cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
Cleansing the body: beetroot
Beets have a de-acidifying and cleansing effect. They contain the dye betanin, which not only has antioxidant properties, but also improves the work of the liver and gallbladder, thanks to which toxins are removed from the body faster. The fiber present in beetroot stimulates the intestines to work, helping to clean them of food residues, and also regulates the level of glucose and cholesterol in the blood.
Read also: Cleansing juices and vegetable smoothies
Cleansing the body: millet
Millet, as the only one among groats, has an alkaline-forming effect, so it deacidifies the body, which significantly accelerates the cleansing process. It also has antitoxic and antifungal properties. It has a positive effect on digestion and may be helpful in the treatment of indigestion. Thanks to the presence of fiber, it removes residual food residues and metabolic byproducts from the intestines. The silica content has a positive effect on the appearance of skin, nails and hair.
Cleansing the body: cabbage
Cabbage - the best pickled; in addition to numerous antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, it contains sulfur (similar to broccoli and garlic), which improves the functioning of the liver and helps to cleanse the body of toxic substances. Thanks to the presence of fiber, cabbage stimulates the intestines to work, and because it contains probiotics, it enriches the microflora of the digestive system with good bacteria, thanks to which it improves digestion and regulates bowel movements. In case of constipation, it is worth drinking sauerkraut juice.
Cleansing the body: herbs that support the cleansing of the body
Infusions prepared from herbs effectively support the detoxification of the body. For example: birch has a diuretic effect, similarly to field horsetail, which additionally causes a general detoxifying effect, fucus "boosts" the metabolism, violet tricolor regulates metabolism and has a diuretic effect, peppermint improves digestion, dandelion has a choleretic effect, and tamarisk - a laxative .
Cleansing the body: celery
Celery, both root and celery,it contains a lot of fiber and has antioxidant, cleansing and de-acidifying properties for the body. It stimulates the metabolism and removes uric acid, the excess amount of which is deposited in the form of crystals in the joints, which leads to their destruction.
Cleansing the body: parsley
Parsley contains a lot of chlorophyll to aid detoxification. It eliminates the unpleasant smell that often accompanies metabolic disorders. Natka has a diuretic effect, prevents urinary tract infections, and helps remove drug metabolites from the body. It can also neutralize carcinogens contained in tobacco smoke.
Cleansing the body: apples
The organic acids present in them help eliminate toxic substances and are involved in maintaining the acid-base balance of the blood. Apples also contain quercetin - a compound from the flavonoid group that fights free radicals and binds some toxic metals. The potassium present in apples protects against swelling and helps to remove metabolic products from the body. The content of pectin, i.e. soluble fiber, increases the feeling of fullness, regulates the carbohydrate and fat balance, and prevents constipation.
Read also: Weekly Juice Detox - Principles of a Cleansing Juice Diet
Cleansing the body: figs
Dried figs have a positive effect on the liver, and thanks to the high fiber content, they regulate the digestive system and lower blood cholesterol. They are high in potassium to help prevent puffiness. Figs have detoxifying, antioxidant, as well as antibacterial and antiparasitic properties.

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