Do you know how werewolf syndrome (Hypertrichosis), elephantiasis, Bloom or Cockayne syndrome, Treacher Collins or Proteus syndrome, Apert syndrome, arhinia, polydactyly and related syndactyly manifest themselves? Do you want to know the lives of children who have been affected by progeria or the Patau syndrome?
Luckily it happens thatdiseasespermanentlydeforming the face or bodyare among the rarest in the world. Does this bring relief to a sick person with limbs the size of an elephant's leg or a tree limb, to young children whose body ages at the speed of light, or to those whose body and face, due to excessive hair, especially the face, are more like a werewolf? Of course not, the more so as the defective genes underlying these diseases are not quite amenable to penetration by scientists. Or to be more precise - they know more or less which gene is to blame for the disease, but most often they are not able to answer the question why it was mutated and how to fix the bad gene and cure the disease.
In the gallery you will find photos and descriptions of the rarest diseases that irreversibly deform the face and body.