Renoscintigraphy, or kidney scintigraphy, is an isotope examination of the kidneys, the purpose of which is to assess the functioning of this organ. The test is performed, among others in people with arterial hypertension, which may be caused by a disease of the parenchyma or kidney vessels. What are the other indications for renoscintigraphy? What is this test?
Renoscintigraphy,otherwisekidney scintigraphy , tokidney isotope examination(using a radiotracer) which allows you to evaluate:
- structure of the kidneys (shape, size, location, mobility, location of the radiotracer in the renal parenchyma);
- blood supply to the kidneys (blood supply with a marker to both kidneys);
- speed and efficiency of glomerular filtration (the ability to capture the administered radiopharmaceutical from the blood, as well as to transport it through the flesh and transfer it to the urinary tract);
- excretory function of the kidneys (urine output with a tracer from the area of the kidneys, ureter and bladder);
Renoscintigraphy (isotope examination of the kidneys) - indications
The test is indicated in the case of acute and chronic diseases of the urinary system, malformations of the kidneys and urinary tract, as well as uropathy and obstructive nephropathy. Renoscintigraphy should also be performed in people with arterial hypertension, which may be caused by parenchymal or renal vascular disease. A referral for examination should also be given to people suffering from polycystic kidney degeneration or tuberculosis of the kidneys. In addition, isotope screening of the kidneys is one of the tests performed after kidney transplantation.
Renoscintigraphy (isotope examination of the kidneys) - contraindications
The contraindication to the test is breastfeeding and pregnancy. Therefore, in women, the test is best performed in the first ten days of the cycle. This way you will avoid the risk of radiation in a very early pregnancy that you do not know exist yet. However, to be sure, it is worth taking a pregnancy test.
Renoscintigraphy (isotope examination of the kidneys) - preparation for the examination
30-40 minutes before the start of the test, the patient should drink 0.5 to 1 liter of non-carbonated liquid. In turn, he should not have any metal objects with him in the room (coins in his pockets, belt buckles), as they may distort the examination image.
Renoscintigraphy (isotope examination of the kidneys) - what is it?
The patient lies belly down on the bed. Then he is administered intravenously, through the so-called venflon (intravenous catheter), small doses of radioactive isotopes (radiotracers - usually technetium-99) that accumulate in the kidneys for a short time. Then the head of the scintillation camera (gamma camera) captures the radiation emitted by the kidney after absorbing the radioisotope. The program installed in the computer connected to the gamma camera converts the data from the head to the image of the kidney (scintigraphic images), which are also visible on the monitor.
The test takes about 30 minutes, and after it is completed, you will get a printout of the kidneys.
Immediately after the test, rinse the remains of the isotope from the body by drinking 0.5-1 l of fluids (water, tea, juices). It's also better not to be in the company of children and pregnant women.
Renoscintigraphy (isotope examination of the kidneys) - complications
Isotope examination of the kidneys does not cause any complications, including allergic ones (even in people allergic to contrasting agents). It is worth knowing that the dose of ionizing radiation received during such an examination is lower than during the chest X-ray, so there is no cause for concern.