Pityriasis versicolor is an infection of the skin with a yeast-like fungus of the genus Malassezia, which is characterized by the appearance of slightly exfoliating, beige-colored patches. The skin affected by dandruff itches, is rough, untreated mycosis leaves unsightly discoloration on the skin. What are the causes and symptoms of tinea versicolor? How is his treatment going?

Pityriasis(Latinpityriasis versicolor ) is caused by yeast-like fungi of the genusMalassezia( formerlyPityrosporum ovale ,Pityrosporum furfur ,Pityrosporum orbiculare ,Malessezia furfur) that are present on the skin of every human being.

Experts disagree as to why some people multiply uncontrollably. It is only known that the likelihood of developing pityriasis versicolor is greaterin young people . In addition, there is a link between this type of dandruff and hot and humid climate, excessive sweating, oily skin, and a weakened immune system.

"Variegated" in the name of this dandruff refers to outbreaks of a different color within unchanged, he althy skin.

Tinea versicolor: symptoms

The most characteristic symptom of Tinea versicolor isirregular , well-definedspots on the skin , which can occur anywhere on the body. Most often, however, they are found on the torso, in the interscapular and sternal areas.

Their color can be varied - they can be lighter or darker than the surrounding skin, they can also be white, beige, pink, red, yellow-brown, brown or take the color of tanned skin.

These spots tend to spread peripherally, occupying more and more areas of the skin. The surface of the tinea versicolor lesions is rough, dry, and is scaly, often accompanied by itching.

Remember that with Tinea versicolor, thehas a tendency to recur .

It is also important that the affected areas do not sunbathe in the sun or in the solarium. This is because yeast-like fungi of the genusMalasseziaproduce the melanogenesis inhibitor azelaic acid.

Tinea versicolor: research

The doctor most often diagnosesbased on the interviewzpatient andafter seeing the lesions- they can use Wood's lamp for this - in the case of tinea versicolor, you can observe the characteristic yellow-green glow of the lesions, after staining with iodine tincture - they show yellowish or brick-red fluorescence.

In the case of tinea versicolor,scrapings from skin lesions , when combined with potassium hydroxide, give an image of "meatballs with noodles" under the microscope - you can see numerous, short and thick mycelium hyphae, mixing with clusters of spores.

Tinea versicolor is one of the skin diseases for which biopsy is not used for diagnosis, because in this case the histopathological examination will not show anything. Of course, when diagnosing doubtful cases, a biopsy can be used - it will not confirm tinea versicolor, but it will help rule out other diseases. It should be remembered that due to the fact that tinea versicolor does not always give clear symptoms, in case of doubt, it should be differentiated from diseases such as:

  • vitiligo ( vitiligo )
  • syphilitic albinism ( leucoderma syphiliticum )
  • seborrheic dermatitis (seborrheic eczema,eczema seborrhoicum )
  • Giberta pink dandruff

Tinea versicolor: treatment

Treatment of tinea versicolor is usually long-lasting and not very satisfactory as the disease tends to recur.

For treatment, usetopical preparationscontaining azoles (ketoconazole, fluconazole and itraconazole).

It is also necessary to treat the scalp at the same timeantifungal treatment of the scalp , e.g. with ketoconazole or ciclopirox shampoo.

If the lesions are extensive, the disease recurs, the doctor may prescribe oral antifungal medications.

Read also:

  • White dandruff: causes, symptoms, treatment
  • Erythematous dandruff
  • How to effectively get rid of scalp dandruff?
