Runny nose with blood is a common ailment that can worry us. Often, when we see blood on a handkerchief, we already have "black vision". Before we panic, however, let's check what can trigger a runny nose and when we need to see a doctor!
Runny nose with bloodwhat can mean? First, we should determine the source of the nosebleed. Find out exactly when blood appears - it is noticeable when blowing your nose or it has occurred because of an injury, for example. Usually, this ailment is accompanied by other symptoms:
- blood clots and scabs,
- loss or impairment of smell,
- feeling of stuffy nose.
Sometimes the blood in the Qatar takes the form ofspecific threads , which do not necessarily mean that you are seriously ill. Nevertheless, do not underestimate this ailment and consult her with a doctor!
Runny nose with blood: where does the blood come from?
In most cases, blood in the rhinitis, as well as nasal septum bleeding, may bethe effect of increased blood flow and increased blood pressure . As a consequence, the blood vessels in the nasal mucosa widen. If the pressure is too high, it causesrupture of blood vessels and bleeding .
Blood in the Qatar isas a rule a residue from previous nose bleeding . It is a condition that usually affects middle-aged and elderly people.
Runny nose with blood: local causes
There aremany possible causes of runny nose , which are divided intolocal and secondary . There are more local causes of a runny nose with blood. In a large proportion of cases, the blood in the rhinitis iscaused by diseases inside the mouth . Usually, symptoms such as:
1. A thick runny nose with bloodthat occursafter surgery on the nose and paranasal sinuses . It may also be accompanied by clots in the nose, impaired nasal patency, smell and pain.
2. Bleeding nasal septal polypsbemalignant tumorslocated in the nasal cavity. People with a proliferative process may have symptoms such as:
- one nostril clogged,
- feeling of fullness in the nose,
- cheek swelling,
- headache,
- bloody nasal discharge,
- palsy of cranial nerves,
- weight loss,
- loss of smell and taste ,
- difficulty breathing.
3. Sequence of an injury , e.g. broken septum, nasal bone or a blow.
4. Rhinitisand rhinitis.
5. Nasal septal perforation , which is manifested by a nasal septal defect which results in an audible whistling sound and enlargement of the nasal turbinates.
Runny nose with blood also occurs in children.Usually appears spontaneously and is accompanied by symptoms such as:
- high fever,
- weakness,
- headache,
- sore throat.
Runny nose with bloodis usually mild in children. Bleeding from the nose can occur frequently, but thiscondition goes away with age . On the other hand,bloody discharge from one nostril in a childmay indicate the presence of a foreign body in the nasal passage.
Runny nose with blood: secondary causes
Secondary causes of runny nose with blood are less frequent than the local ones , but may be more serious. Runny nose with blood manifests itself in the course of many diseases, including:
- vascular diseases (e.g. atherosclerosis),
- liver and kidney failure,
- acute infectious diseases (e.g. chicken pox, measles, rubella, infectious mononucleosis),
- systemic diseases (e.g. sarcoidosis, AIDS),
- blood coagulation disorders (e.g. hemophilia, von Willebrand disease),
- hormonal disorders,
- granulomatous diseases (e.g. Wegener's granulomatosis),
- vitamin C and K deficiency,
- hypertension,
- anemia,
- leukemias,
- of the Rendu-Osler-Weber team.
Runny nose with blood is alsoa symptom of a general weakening of the bodycaused by stress and overexertion.
Runny nose with blood: is it related to the medications you take?
Blood in the Qatarmay be due to some medications . The ailment may be caused by excessively high doses of acenocoumarol, wafratin and salicinates, which affect blood clotting. Then we have to see a doctor so that he can consider changing the doses of pharmacological agents.
A runny nose with blood can also be caused bydue to high blood pressure.It mainly occurs inmiddle-aged or elderly people . Epistaxis has a tendency to recur. The mainstay of treatment of ailments is lowering blood pressure and better disease control.
Runny nose with blood: how to get rid of?
There isn'tspecific way to get rid of blood from nasal secretions. If the discomfort persists for a long time,see a doctor immediately . A runny nose with blood will go away when the causes that cause this condition are healed.