The Ilizarov method is a method of lengthening, merging and correcting the shape of the bones, which uses a special stabilizer, called the Ilizarov apparatus. The Ilizarov method has found application in the treatment of many orthopedic diseases, but it is burdened with a large number of complications. Find out what the Ilizarov method works.

The Ilizarov Methodis a method of lengthening, merging and correcting the shape of bones usingIlizarov apparatus . It is a stabilizer that consists of metal rings connected to each other by rods and joined to the bones by wires (the so-called Kirschner wires) and screws.
Ilizarov method - application of the Ilizarov apparatus
The Ilizarov method is used for many orthopedic diseases, such as:
- congenital deficit of bone length, e.g. in congenital lack of radius
- differences between limb bone lengths
- foot deformities (e.g. clubfoot)
The Ilizarov method is most often used in young people. The optimal age is 11-16 years.
- achondroplasia (dwarfism)
- severe bone fractures
- badly healed bone fractures
- post-inflammatory bone length deficiencies
- joint contractures
- pseudo-pond
- bone defects after removal of bone tumors
In some countries (eg Russia, China) the Ilizarov method has also found application in plastic surgery. It is used by he althy people who want to extend their legs to gain extra centimeters.
The Ilizarov method - what is it?
In the treatment of orthopedic diseases, Ilizarov used the phenomenon of distraction osteogenesis he discovered. It involves stimulating the formation of new bone in the fracture defect by stretching the bone fragments. Bone lengthening is also accompanied by lengthening of the surrounding soft tissues and skin, muscles, vessels and nerves. Distractive osteogenesis takes place in several stages:
- STAGE I - osteotomy (corticotomy) - consists in a subcutaneous cutting or fracture of a bone in a special way - one that allows the periosteum to remain continuous (thanks to which the bone issupplied with blood and nourished). Then the Ilizarov apparatus is placed - the treated bone is drilled with Kirschner wires and then attached to the rings with screws. The rings are located above and below where the bones are cut
In Ilizarov's apparatus, the bone lengthens by an average of 1 mm per day.
- STAGE II - distraction - this is the period of moving the bone fragments away from each other with the help of the apparatus. New bone tissue gradually begins to form in the cavity between the fragments, and the adjacent bone tissues are rebuilt.
- STAGE III - stabilization - this is the period of mineralization of the newly formed bone and gradual disassembly of the apparatus
The structure of the stabilizer is prepared individually for each patient, taking into account the structure of muscles, the course of tendons, nerves, and blood vessels.
Ilizarov method - important rehabilitation
In the treatment process, rehabilitation plays a very important role, thanks to which the bone remains fully functional. Rehabilitation is necessary before the operation, while wearing the Ilizarov apparatus, and also after its removal.
Before inserting the braces, you should strengthen and stretch your muscles and improve the calcification of your bones. For this purpose, you can use:
- electrotherapy
- thermotherapy (e.g. sollux lamp)
- magnetic field
- stretching exercises.
The Ilizarov method can be used to lengthen the bones of the arms, legs and fingers, and to model the skull, jaw and mandible.
In the early postoperative period, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles and prevent contractures. For this purpose, among others, isometric exercises and dynamic exercises. It is also necessary to stand upright and learn to walk.
During the distraction period, i.e. when new bone tissue is formed, exercises are performed to improve the range of motion of the operated limb, such as:
- resistance exercises
- self-assisted exercises (i.e. the patient makes movement with one limb, which supports the movement in the joints of the other limb, increasing its range at the same time)
- stretching exercises
At this stage of treatment, treatments are also used to relieve pain associated with bone elongation, mainly in the field of heat therapy.
During the stabilization period, mainly strengthening exercises are performed.
After removing the braces, isometric exercises, synergistic exercises (this is a group of active movement exercises with maximum resistance) are performed. Treatments of the range can also be usedelectrotherapy and massages.
Worth knowingIlizarov method - complications
- infections - most often superficial around implants
- too early bone reconstruction, which makes it impossible to extend it
- joint contracture
- vascular or nerve damage due to surgery
- bone fractures at the site of its elongation
- stabilizer damage