The Becker nevus, otherwise known as Melanosis neviformis, is a fairly common congenital or early childhood lesion. What are the reasons for the appearance of this benign skin lesion? What is Becker's syndrome? How is the treatment for Becker's birthmark?
The Becker's birthmark( Melanosis neviformis ) is a fairly common congenital or early childhood lesion. The reasons for its formation have not been established so far.
Becker's birthmark belongs to tumors from the group of hamartomas, which are developmental disorders. This birthmark is a benign lesion, it does not cause any discomfort, it is more common in men and ranges from a few to several centimeters in diameter.
What does Becker's birthmark look like? Clinical picture
Becker's birthmark is most often found on the skin of the shoulder, arms and torso. At birth, the birthmark is invisible or slightly discolored. Additionally, there may be a symptom of the so-called "goosebumps", that is, clear follicular lumps. It is related to the presence of a malformation in smooth muscles located under the skin lesions.
During maturation, the lesion darkens - it takes on a dark brown color and hair appears on it. Due to the fact that the Becker's nevus is sensitive to the effects of androgens, acne lesions may also appear on it.
In women, Becker's birthmark is much less recognized. It is paler and less hairy due to the reduced sensitivity to the effects of androgens.
Becker's birthmark usually takes the form of a dark brown patch with irregular outlines, covered with hair.
Becker's birthmark - recognition and differentiation
Becker's birthmark is usually recognized by its characteristic appearance and most often in the summer, which is related to exposure to the sun - the mole is then darker than the surrounding skin.
The differential diagnosis of Becker's nevus includes melanocytic nevus, café-au-lait pigment spots, flat nevus and atypical skin discoloration.
It is worth mentioning here that there is also the so-calledBecker's stigmain which, in addition to the presenceBecker's nevus is characterized by the coexistence of many disorders of the skeletal system (including underdevelopment of the shoulder girdle or arm, developmental defects of the vertebrae, scoliosis), the central nervous system and breast hypoplasia.
Becker's birthmark: treatment
A large mole cannot be surgically removed. However, it is possible to whiten, shave or epilate it, which are mainly carried out for cosmetic reasons.
Due to the fact that this change may predispose to the development of skin cancers, including melanoma, it is important to remember about regular check-ups with a dermatologist.