The white crescent is a plexus of fibers of the abdominal muscles. Centrally located, it extends from the xiphoid process through the navel to the symphysis pubis. What exactly is the borderland and is its divergence something dangerous? Who is most at risk of ailments within the white border?
Kresa whitegets its name from the lighter skin color in the place of its occurrence. In pregnant women, it can change its color to a darker color, then it is called a black or dark line. The most important function of the white line is to stabilize the abdominal muscles, in other words the white line is the place where the muscles of both sides of the abdomen connect. The suspensory ligaments of the penis and clitoris as well as penile slingshots extend from it.
Construction of the white border
The white crescent formed as a result of the crossing of the right and left sides of the fibers of the muscle tendons:
- external oblique
- internal slant
- transverse abdomen
Connective tissue bands are intertwined in the centerline. The tendon fibers of the anterior sheath of the rectus muscle pass backwards into the lamina of the opposite side and vice versa.
The white crescent can vary in width, reaching 2-2.5 cm at its widest point. Within it there is a navel - a scar in the middle of the abdomen, which is a remnant of a fallen umbilical cord.
Partition of the white border
Divergence of straight muscles is a common ailment encountered by pregnant women. The secreted hormones have a great influence, including relaxationin, which contributes to the relaxation of connective tissue. Due to the proper stretching of the tissues, the fetus can develop and grow properly, and during delivery it can pass through the birth canal. However, at the same time, the white line becomes thinner and often interrupted. Also, the enlarging uterus increases the pressure in the abdominal cavity and puts pressure on the abdominal walls, which is particularly high during childbirth. After the baby is born, the abdominal muscles should return to the state they were in before the birth, but this is not always possible.
- Treatment of white line separation
In such a situation, you should go to a physiotherapist who will assess the degree of abdominal muscle separation. The specialist will advise on whathow to maintain a proper posture, sit up and stand up, and what physical exercises you can do. It is important to use manual therapy, mobilize the muscles, it is also worth using kinesiotaping.
Borderline hernia
A hernia of the white line occurs with lowered resistance in the lower abdomen. Constantly moving intestines easily move to the hernial sac. The gate of this hernia is a hole with a diameter of about 0.5 - 1.5 cm located between the collagen fibers of the white line. It is usually located between the xiphoid process and the navel. The white line hernia in men occurs three times more often than in women. It occurs most often in obese people, in athletes lifting weights and in women in advanced pregnancy.
In most cases, however, the rectus muscles of the abdomen come together spontaneously after childbirth. It happens, however, that the dehiscence remains and the contents of the abdominal cavity move beyond its limits, which means the formation of awhite line hernia in pregnancy . The main cause of the white line hernia is the weakening of the abdominal muscles. As a consequence, the muscles cease to perform their function - they do not hold the contents of the abdominal cavity in a certain place. On the other hand, a hernia of the white line in a child may appear as a result of congenital abdominal anatomical defects. It usually doesn't appear until a few years after birth.
- Treatment of a white line hernia
Conservative treatment of hernia with a hernia belt is used only in elderly people and in the case of contraindications to surgery, for example in elderly people with comorbidities. The belt prevents any organs from leaking out of the abdomen. The operation of the white line hernia is performed in a classic way and using the laparoscopic method.