Every child is born with the so-called physiological flat feet, which usually disappear when the muscles of the feet gradually strengthen as the child grows. Sometimes, however, this process is disturbed and flat feet appear in children. What are the causes of flat feet in children? What are its symptoms and how is it treated?
Flat footthat isplatfusis a deformation of the foot that can have serious consequences. After the baby is born, flabby ligaments, weak muscles and a thick fat pad covering the soles make the baby's feet flattened. But as the baby grows, the muscles in the feet gradually strengthen. As a result, on the inside of the foot, a characteristic arch supported by the muscles is created between the heel and the big toe. When the toddler is 3-4 years old, his foot should be properly built. However, sometimes this process does not go as it should. The arc is very low or absent despite the passage of time. It comes to a flat foot, called a flat foot. In order for the muscles to develop properly, they should still be working - the baby's feet must be able to move freely all the time. Therefore, to make it possible, the toddler must not be dressed in too tight or tight-fitting rompers or socks, nor should he wear shoes with narrow tips. For if the baby's feet are tied, the muscles will weaken instead of developing, and then flat feet are ready! However, when playing or changing, it is worth to tickle the soles of the baby's feet so that it involuntarily contracts the toes - it is an excellent gymnastics. Flat feet are more common for children who learned to walk in poorly selected shoes or, even worse, wore shoes inherited from their older siblings. Overfeeding is also conducive to the disadvantage, because heavy body weight causes deformation of the feet.
Flatfoot diagnosis made easy
Flat feet are recognized in the 4th-5th. age. If you want to check if a child's foot has developed properly, you can do so easily by viewing its reflection, e.g. a wet mark on a dry floor or in the sand. If the mark does not have an indentation in the middle of the foot and resembles the shape of the underside of an iron, the baby has flat feet. You can also do a test: put your baby on the floor with all his feet, then ask him to stand on his toes. If duringstanding on the feet does not have a longitudinal arch (the entire length of the foot is flush with the floor), and when the child stands on tiptoes - it becomes visible, that is, the muscles have not developed as they should. Walking on the inner edges of the feet is also a sign of the platfus. It is clearly visible on soles and heels - they are more scuffed on the inside of the shoe than on the outside. So if you notice anything disturbing, take your child to an orthopedist.
ImportantLet herself stand on her feet
Flat feet are more common in children who have stood on their feet too quickly or have not crawled. It's better not to make your toddler walk until he wants to. It is a mistake to put the child in a walker - this way too weak muscles are overloaded, which can lead to deformation of the feet. The child will start to walk on its own when its skeletal and muscular systems are ready.
Insoles correcting flat feet
If your child complains of pain in the calves and knees, the orthopedic surgeon may recommend special inserts. They are made individually for each child to accurately correct the defect. But you have to remember that the insoles only help to maintain the correct shape of the foot obtained by the exercise. They also force it to load it properly, so that the child does not have pain in the legs. However, they do not replace gymnastics. In shoes with insoles, the muscles have a support, so they don't have to work. Therefore, if the child does not exercise, the muscles will become lazy and the flat feet will only get bigger. The toddler must wear the insoles as recommended by the doctor. It is not allowed to buy ready-made insoles without consulting the orthopedist.
Exercises for children with flat feet
You can use natural situations that will not be an additional burden for the child. Good results are achieved when walking barefoot on a soft surface - grass, sand, thick and fluffy carpet (walking barefoot on a hard surface promotes flat feet!). A great exercise for the feet is also walking, for example on small pebbles or shells. The child then involuntarily curls the fingers, keeping the muscles tense. If your toddler is riding a bike, it's a good idea to position the saddle a little too high. Then, reaching the pedals with the tips of your toes, will force the muscles of your feet to work harder. For a 6- or 7-year-old, it is advantageous to walk in clogs, but in such a way that no knocking is heard. Then he has to hold them with his fingers and this is how he exercises his feet. It is also worth teaching your child a few exercises to strengthen the instep muscles and make sure that they do them several times a day. This is very important, because only regular and frequent training will bring the expected results. It's best to do it in the form of having fun together. Heresome exercise suggestions:
- walking on the toes, heels and outer edges of the feet - if there are more children, races can be arranged
- grabbing small toys (e.g. balls, blocks, plastic figures) with your fingers, tossing them or putting them in a box.
Good shoes - the best prevention of flat feet
- They should be made of leather or non-impregnated canvas combined with the skin (for summer and at home), as they provide the feet with proper ventilation. Plastic and other plastics do not have such properties, therefore they promote perspiration and chafing feet. Specialists also do not recommend wearing sneakers.
- The sole is to be resilient, made of soft rubber, 1 cm thick. Only this one absorbs shocks and unevenness of the ground. It also protects the feet from injuries while walking on hard surfaces.
- Regardless of whether they are covered shoes or sandals, they should have a stiff heel to keep the foot in the correct axis.
- The front must be wide enough for all the fingers to easily fit into the shoe without overlapping.
- The inner insole should be modeled so that it corresponds to the natural convexities and concavities of the foot. It is very important to shape it in the instep, i.e. from the inside of the foot between the heel and the toe bend. A properly built foot has a recess there, which must rest on the modeled sole.
- It's good to have the so-called Thomas heel - on the inside of the shoe it is more forward. Such a profiled heel with a stiff heel prevents deformation of the heels.
- Toddlers' shoes are to be tied above the ankle to keep the leg in the right position.
Find the perfect size
Do not buy tall shoes, especially when the child starts to walk (he must feel confident in the shoes). The foot cannot "fly". It is best to measure them while standing, because the foot lengthens and widens under the influence of weight. When your child stands, check where their toes are and whether they can move them freely: the toes should not touch the tip of the shoe or be curled up. It is unacceptable to buy shoes for a child on the basis of a "ruler" made of a stick or string. Older children's shoes may be larger by a number, but only if they are tied at the ankle.
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