Stabbing abdominal pain can have various causes, but a stinging sensation in the abdomen, especially if it is accompanied by other disturbing symptoms, usually indicates an underlying medical condition. Some of them are very serious and require immediate medical attention. What does stabbing stomach pain mean?
Stabbing stomach paincan have various causes, but usually indicates an underlying medical condition, especially if accompanied by other disturbing symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and fever. The stinging sensation may appear in various parts of the abdomen-on the right or left side of the abdomen, under the navel, under the ribs or in the lower abdomen. It's good to know that the stomach, duodenum, liver and pancreas cause pain in the upper abdomen. In turn, the small intestine, part of the large intestine and the appendix cause pain around the navel. On the other hand, the distal part of the large intestine and diseases of the genitourinary tract cause pain in the lower abdomen.
Stabbing pain in the abdomen on the right, under the ribs
Stabbing pain in the abdomen, which appears in the upper right square of the abdomen, may be caused, among others, by :
- inflammation of the gallbladder - the pain increases when you draw in air, sometimes it radiates to your back and ribs. When a painful area of the abdomen is squeezed, a lump is felt under the fingers. In addition, body temperature rises. Nausea and vomiting may appear
- biliary colic - Abdominal pain usually occurs after eating fatty foods and often radiates to the back or right shoulder blade. The accompanying symptoms are flatulence, nausea, vomiting
- liver abscess - the symptoms of liver abscess are not specific and include nausea, weight loss, and high fever. Jaundice is rarely seen
- cracked duodenal ulcer - pain occurs suddenly and is accompanied by gastrointestinal bleeding. The surgeon's intervention is then necessary. Failure to do so may result in peritonitis, which is a life-threatening condition
Stabbing pain in the abdomen on the right, bottom
A prickly abdominal pain in the lower right abdominal square suggests, among others :
- appendicitis - pain occurs in the epigastrium, around the navel and increases when coughing orattempts to walk, and he softens when he lies on his left side with his legs tucked up. Accompanying symptoms are nausea, vomiting and increased body temperature
- diverticulitis - pain can spread to the suprapubic region, groin and back, and is accompanied by a fever. There is a painful lump in the lower left abdomen. Additional symptoms are flatulence and bowel movement disturbances (diarrhea or constipation). This is a condition that requires urgent medical attention, as it may lead to, for example, a perforation of the large intestine
- hernia entrapment - where the stomach hurts, you can feel a lump when touched, and the skin above it is red and warm. The accompanying symptoms are flatulence, nausea, and sometimes vomiting
Stabbing pain in the lower abdomen
A prickly abdominal pain in the lower left square indicates:
- hernia entrapment - where the stomach hurts, you can feel a lump when touched, and the skin above it is red and warm. The accompanying symptoms are flatulence, nausea, and sometimes vomiting
Stabbing pain in the abdomen on the top left
A prickly abdominal pain that occurs in the upper left abdomen suggests:
- gastritis - pains appear a few hours after a meal and at night. The patient complains of indigestion and a feeling of fullness in the abdomen
- spleen diseases, e.g. pus, spleen rupture
Stabbing abdominal pain in the upper abdomen
Pains in the upper abdomen and chest can mean:
- acute pancreatitis - appears suddenly, gains strength over time, and can radiate to your back. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and fever also appear
- inflammation of the lower lobe of the lung - severe cough, associated with gradually exposing more and more blood-stained sputum, rapid and shallow breathing, high fever, chills, sweating, muscle weakness and pain, lip herpes appears on the lips
- myocardial ischemia - retrosternal pain radiates to the jaw and hands, worsens with a sharp change in temperature
- hiatal hernia of the diaphragm, i.e. stretching of the tissues forming the walls of the esophagus that may burst - apart from pain, the patients suffer from heartburn, vomiting, and also have trouble swallowing
Stabbing pain in the abdomen in the lower abdomen
A prickly pain in the lower abdomen indicates:
- cystitis - apart from pain in the lower abdomen, burning when urinating, pollakiuria,
- endometriosis - painful periods, heavy as welltoo long menstrual bleeding, painful intercourse, trouble getting pregnant, pain and sometimes periodic spotting
- ovulatory pain - pain occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, i.e. 14 days before the expected period (with a 28-day cycle length), and may radiate to the pelvic and back areas. The most common accompanying symptoms are vaginal discharge stained with blood, nausea and general malaise
- ruptured ectopic pregnancy - acute pain extends to one side of the abdomen and may radiate to the shoulder and diaphragm. Heart rate is high, blood pressure is low and skin is pale.
- ovarian torsion - a sudden, sharp, stabbing pain located above the affected ovary (though some women experience pain throughout the lower abdomen) that may radiate to the back. Additional symptoms include nausea, vomiting, fever
- testicular torsion - there is a sudden, very severe pain in the testicle with rapidly increasing swelling of the contents of the scrotum, which may radiate to the lower abdomen. The accompanying symptoms are nausea, vomiting, fever