Statistics on stomach cancer have been systematically falling for several years. Environmental conditions such as nutrition, stimulants and occupation have a great influence on the formation of stomach cancer. Cancer-promoting foods include smoked fish, meat, and s altpetre (a preservative added to cured meats). But it's not just diet that is a carcinogen, but the hereditary burden is also important.
Stomach cancerdevelops over many years - the age difference between patients who have been diagnosed with early cancer and those who have already been diagnosed with late cancer is 10 years on average. Patients with early gastric cancer complain of pains in the fovea, nausea, belching, usually accompanied by heartburn. These symptoms are misleading and rarely lead to a correct diagnosis.
Stomach cancer - symptoms are ambiguous
The symptoms of stomach cancerare not very common. The ones that cause anxiety are pain, hemorrhages, exhaustion of the body, often fever - they usually indicate an advanced form of stomach cancer. It is said among doctors that gastric cancer grows rapidly and that it is asymptomatic for a long time, and as a result is undetectable. Patients often complain of pains in the heart area, nausea of unknown origin, belching with heartburn. And they lose weight. Further symptoms of stomach cancer include the loss of appetite, which is characteristic at this stage, and even disgust with meat. If these symptoms occur individually, they are still not very significant.
Diagnosing stomach cancer
X-ray examination detects advanced changes: tumors and cancerous ulcers. Endoscopic examination in conjunction with biopsy and cytology gives a broader spectrum of lesions detection and elimination of any doubtful issues. Endoscopy detects 4 advanced neoplastic types of the stomach: I - nodular lesion, II - ulcer on all sides well delimited by the raised edge, well demarcated from the distal wall of the stomach, III - partially limited ulcer, III - flat fibrous carcinoma.
Treatment of stomach cancer
A stomach cancer is only treated surgically. Neither radiotherapy nor chemotherapy is having the desired effect. In advanced cases, a gastric resection is performed (usually this is the only way to save yourself).
ImportantStomach cancer - the disease is almost incurableprognostically good only under the condition of early detection.