Increasingly, intestinal ailments are explained by stress, work and an intense lifestyle. Various disturbing symptoms, such as abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea, occur regardless of food and can make life really difficult. Their cause, however, may be more complex than we think. The cause of intestinal ailments is often a bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine, or SIBO. What is this disease entity and what are its causes? Find out what Dr. Magdalena Cubała, a specialist in integrative medicine, says about SIBO.
Man consists not only of the cells of the human body, but also of the microorganisms that inhabit them. The awareness of how many microorganisms are in our bodies allows us to understand the nature of many ailments and serious diseases, includingSIBO , i.e.bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine .
What is SIBO?
The termsuperorganismmeans that our bodies are inhabited by microorganisms, i.e. bacteria, fungi and protozoa that make up the entire microbial community.
The human body contains over 100 trillion microorganismsthat mainly inhabit the colon - one of the most densely populated microbial habitats known on Earth. Importantly, they have a significant impact on our metabolism.
However, when the balance between the number of microorganisms is disturbed and there is a rapid growth or a change in the type of bacteria, it is SIBO.
SIBO may show overgrowth of both pathogenic bacteria and beneficial bacteria. However, it is this excessive abundance, or overgrowth, that ruins the he alth of the digestive system and has a negative effect on the entire body.
Reasons SIBO
There are several types of disorders that are responsible for the disturbance of the bacterial flora of the small intestine. The main causes of SIBO include:
- toxin load,
- intestinal microbiota disorders,
- irritable bowel syndrome
- Does histamine intolerance.
SIBO develops when 1 or more defenses against bacterial overgrowth are compromised.
Symptoms of SIBO
SIBO can cause many ailments of the digestive system of varying severity. They depend largelyon the number and type of bacteria inhabiting the small intestine.
According toDr. Magdalena Cubała-Kucharska, specialist in integrative medicine , "bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine often (but not always) involves non-specific digestive symptoms. These symptoms result from bacterial short-chain fermentation. carbohydrates. Common are:
- chronic diarrhea,
- constipation,
- flatulence,
- nausea,
- acid reflux
- and bounce ".
SIBO is sometimes confused with other diseases affecting the gut. "Symptoms of SIBO are often indistinguishable from symptoms of IBS or other functional digestive disorders. As SIBO progresses, malabsorption symptoms such as fatty diarrhea, weight loss, malnutrition or osteoporosis may predominate" - addsDr. Magdalena Cubała -Kucharska.
Can SIBO be cured?
SIBO may be one of the most underdiagnosed conditions underlying many chronic diseases.
The Hydrogen / Methane breath test is the simplest and most cost-effective way to identify the disease and monitor response to treatment.
With targeted antimicrobial therapies, prokinetics, dietary changes, and other gastrointestinal support therapies, symptoms may reverse.
Find out more: Bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine (SIBO syndrome) - causes, symptoms, treatment
Founder of the Arcana Institute of Integrative Medicine. In her medical work, the patient is for her above all a whole, composed of interacting systems. Therefore, the undisputed standard of her medical practice is precisely a broad, holistic view of the patient combined with professionalism, innovation and punctuality.
A special subject of interest of Dr. Cubała-Kucharska is the gut-brain, immuno-brain axis and environmental medicine. This means that it studies how intestinal bacterial overgrowth syndrome (SIBO) and chronic fungal growth syndrome in the intestine (SIFO) (aka candida or systemic candidiasis) can influence brain disorders, including neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism.
Particular attention is paid to hepatic encephalopathy. In addition, he studies the relationship between infections with microorganisms such as streptococcus, yersin, campylobacter, Lyme disease, bartonellosis, Coxackie, EBV (mononucleosis) virus, and chronic inflammatory conditions such as PANDAS, PANS, but alsoHashimoto.
Dr. Magdalena Cubała-Kucharska always considers the patient in connection with the environment, taking into account factors such as chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS) caused by mycotoxins, sick building syndrome caused by Aspergillus, or exposure to environmental toxins such as heavy metals , mercury, arsenic, glyphosate, pesticides.
She cooperates with qualified dietitians on a daily basis, choosing individual diets to meet the needs of the patient. Offers FODMAP, SCD, gluten-free, dairy-free and immunological diets based on research.