A coccyx fracture is extremely unpleasant. The coccyx, also called the coccyx, is located at the end of the spine. When it cracks or breaks, it cannot be immobilized in a plaster. It only remains to wait for it to grow. Before that, however, pain symptoms can be alleviated by taking painkillers or using ointments with the same properties.
The tailbone fractureis primarily painful and makes life very difficult. painful. The coccyx is the final segment of the spine consisting of 3 or 5 fused cusp vertebrae. This is the tail leftover that humans have lost in the process of evolution. When he stood on two legs, the tail was no longer needed for balance, but its rudimentary form remained.
The tailbone does not help support the torso, but is the site of muscle and ligament attachment. It also acts as a shock absorber when you sit down. So this leftover tail is not completely useless.
Broken coccyx - symptoms
A bruise, crack, or fracture in the coccyx can be very painful. The more severe the trauma, the longer the pain in the tailbone lasts.
People who suffer from he alth problems such as:
- osteoporosis
- dizziness
and also athletes practicing disciplines that weigh on the sacral spine.
Pain from a coccyx fracture usually lasts for days and worsens with bowel movements, intercourse, and prolonged sitting.
Broken coccyx - diagnosis
A tailbone fracture may be seen as pain in the lower back and excessive sensitivity to touch during the examination. Usually there is also swelling (sometimes significant) and bruises.
If the doctor has doubts about the extent of the injury, he or she orders an X-ray of the tailbone. The obtained picture clears all doubts.
Broken tailbone - how to help yourself?
Treatment of a broken coccyx is usually only symptomatic - it consists in eliminating pain and avoiding additional irritation of the damaged bone.
only in cases where the tailbone is shattered to pieces, surgery is required to remove the bone fragments.
You can take or use painkillers to ease the painointments with the same effect. You have to be patient and wait for the bone to heal.
If longer seats are required, it is worth using chair pads, which resemble a swimming wheel. Sitting on such a pillow, we limit the contact of the damaged coccyx with the ground and let it heal.
When sitting down, remember to tilt your body slightly forward. In this way, the weight of the body will be taken over by the legs, not the tailbone.
Use cold compresses on the tailbone for 15-20 minutes a day. Immediately after the injury, it is worth repeating them 3-4 times a day.
Do not perform activities that require straining your lower back, such as lifting weights and exercising.
Eat high-fiber foods and drink plenty to avoid constipation.
Broken coccyx - convalescence
Physical therapy can help speed up recovery. The type of treatments should be selected by an orthopedist or medical rehabilitation specialist. Usually, however, ultrasound, magnetic field, calcium iontophoresis and laser are recommended.
Tailbone - other causes of pain
In addition to injuries, pain in the tailbone may be associated with diseases of the lower spine. Pain can radiate to the coccyx from:
- degeneration of the spine
- discopathies
- sciatica
- bone cancer
Pain may be related to a giant cell tumor in the sacrum, Ewing's sarcoma, or sacrum chordoma.
Another cause may be the neuralgia of the sacral plexus, or the small coccyx plexus, which is part of the sacral plexus. Neuralgia is the irritation of the spinal nerves. In such cases, the pain in the sacro-coccyx is sharp and rapid, and appears suddenly.
Tailbone pain can occur in people suffering from hemorrhoids and chronic constipation. When the muscles or ligaments of the sacro-coccygeal region are overloaded, severe pain occurs, which may be related to the overload of the coccyx, levator muscles, anal sphincter or sacro-tumor ligaments.
A hair cyst can also cause tailbone pain. It is formed when there is a bacterial infection of the hair follicles located in the area of the coccyx and sacrum. The gap between the buttocks develops inflammation and a small lump that turns into a painful abscess over time. Most often, hair cyst occurs in men between the ages of 20 and 40, more often in obese and sedentary men.
The resulting cyst is filled with pus and hair. It causes severe pain.Abscess discharge comes out through an opening or holes in the skin. These areas may be red and swollen. In severe cases of coccyx cysts, fever and associated chills may also occur.
In the early stages, the hair cyst is treated with antibiotics. Regularly remove hair from the affected skin area and apply warm compresses. If there is swelling, redness and pus oozes from the holes in the skin, it is necessary to see a doctor who will surgically remove the cyst.
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