Activities at the swimming pool for children and adults are increasingly appearing in the offer of sports centers. Their diversity and ingenuity may surprise you - for example, aquacycling, i.e. cycling in the water, aqua zumba or aqua yoga is very popular. Activities are available to everyone, regardless of age and swimming skills - as early as 3-month-old babies can take part in them! Check out an overview of 8 of the most interesting pool activities for kids and adults.
Activities at the swimming pooldo not have to be limited only to swimming lessons. There is a whole repertoire of activities aimed at different age groups and adapted to the needs of both children and adults. Among them you can come across some really surprising propositions, such as zumba in the water or aquacycling.
Are you bored with regular swimming? See what pool activities are offered by sports centers.
1. Baby swimming
Experts argue that swimming classes are an excellent form of activity for kids. Already 3-month-old babies can take part in them. The biggest advantages of such activities are increasing immunity in children and making them accustomed to water from an early age. Thanks to this, in the future, they are able to learn to swim more easily and more willingly choose the swimming pool as a form of spending their free time. What's more, it has been proven that contact with water has a calming effect on babies and increases their sense of security, because it is associated with the conditions in the mother's womb.
It is important to go to the doctor with your child before taking part in the classes and receive a written confirmation that the toddler does not have any contraindications to swimming in the pool. It is also worth making sure that the classes are conducted by trained instructors and take place in appropriate conditions (water should contain the optimal amount of chlorine and have a temperature of 31-33 degrees).
2. Swimming lessons for kids
Swimming lessons for children are usually conducted in the age groups 3-5 and 5-8 years (the organization of activities may, however, differ depending on the sports center). In the younger group, learning takes place in the presence of parents who follow the child's progress from a distance or help him follow the instructions of the instructor. Older children learn to swim withoutassistance of caregivers at the large sports swimming pool.
Learning takes place in three stages. In the first stage, the child learns basic movements in the water, such as lying on the chest and on the back, slides, and jumping into the water. He also tries to dive and learns proper breathing. The activities are complemented by games and activities with the use of additional devices (balls, boards, pasta).
The second and third step is to learn specific swimming styles. Children take their first steps in crawl swimming, diving, learn to synchronize their movements with their breathing and swim longer distances.
3. Swimming lessons for adults
During the classes, adults can learn to swim from scratch or improve their technique and learn about new swimming styles. Depending on your preferences, you can choose group lessons or individual lessons with an instructor. The second option is more beneficial if you want to progress quickly. On the other hand, group exercises are a good way to mobilize yourself to more effort.
In the first place, participants learn crawl and backstroke - these styles are the easiest technically, and also provide a good basis for learning the classic and butterfly styles. In addition, the instructors introduce elements such as take-off jumps, turns, diving, and advise on how to improve your hydrodynamics.
4. Aquacycling (hydrospining)
Aquacycling, sometimes also called hydrospining, is a group activity similar to spinning, but taking place in the water. Participants pedal on bicycles immersed almost entirely in the pool (after getting on the saddle they are submerged more or less to the waist). The water resistance causes the legs to work with double strength, and the skin is subjected to a dynamic massage. As a result, the fatty tissue around the thighs and buttocks is broken down, cellulite is eliminated and the skin becomes smoother and firmer.
Aquacycling is recommended to everyone, regardless of the level of physical fitness. It is an appropriate form of activity for people suffering from diseases of the skeletal system, because it does not burden the joints. It is also perfect for people who want to lose weight - during one workout you can burn from 800 to even 1200 kcal.
5. Aqua zumba
You definitely know Zumba, but maybe you don't know that this type of activity is also organized in swimming pools. The idea is similar - the participants imitate the movements shown by the instructor practicing to the rhythm of Latin hits. The difficulty is that you have to move while submerged in the water, at least up to the height of the chest. In such conditions, Zumba looks less effective and there is a lotslower, but on the other hand, forces the muscles to maximum effort, thus burning calories even faster. By the way, the skin becomes firmer, tighter and cellulite is much less visible.
Aqua zumba is recommended to all women, regardless of age. Its additional advantage is the fact that in addition to improving the condition, strength and coordination, it perfectly relaxes, reduces stress and puts you in a good mood for the whole day.
6. Aqua aerobics
Aqua aerobics classes combine the advantages of cardio and strength exercises. Exercises performed in the pool can develop fitness and endurance (for example, jogging or jumping jacks in the water), as well as strengthen the muscles and tone the key parts of the body: legs, arms, abdomen, buttocks. Thanks to the displacement of the water, the effort does not burden the joints and the risk of injury is minimal.
This type of gymnastics has a beneficial effect on the spine, reducing pain and stiffness caused by a sedentary lifestyle. It is also recommended for obese people who can feel lighter in the water and easily perform exercises that are difficult for them outside the pool. Importantly, 45 minutes of aqua aerobics allows you to burn from 400 to 500 kcal, which is much more than the same regular fitness classes.
7. Aqua Yoga
Aqua yoga is a combination of exercises known from traditional yoga and aqua aerobics. Classes are conducted at a leisurely pace, and their aim is to stretch, oxygenate and relax the body. The water additionally deepens the feeling of relaxation, making aqua yoga an ideal activity for stressed and tense people looking for a break from the daily race.
It is worth noting that yoga in water is less injurious and relieves the spine and joints to a greater extent than exercises on the mat. Due to the fact that our body weighs 70% less in the water than on the surface, it is much easier to perform most of the positions.
Aqua yoga is the best form of activity for elderly people, pregnant women, obese people, suffering from arthritis, osteoporosis and injuries.
8. Improvement gymnastics
Improvement gymnastics in the pool is intended for people who suffer from back pain, muscles and joints. It is a form of gentle rehabilitation aimed at strengthening the muscles while relieving the tension that is the most common cause of pain. During the classes, participants perform simple exercises that increase the range of mobility in the joints, relieve the spine, improve balance and coordination.
In addition to relieving pain symptoms, water gymnastics is great for relaxing and relaxing. Classes of this type are intended for all people who suffer every daynegative effects of inactivity or want to return to full fitness after injuries and injuries.