Stretching, i.e. stretching exercises, is a type of activity recommended for people who stay in the same position for hours - for example, people working at the computer. What exactly is stretching? Stretch like a cat. Lazy, slowly. Take a few deep breaths in and out. Do you feel reborn? You have just learned about one of the basic exercises used in stretching.
Stretching exercisesyou do even unconsciously. In the morning you stretch in bed sluggishly, trying to bring your body to life. At work, you get up from your computer to stretch your bones. A few in-depth movements are enough for your blood to circulate faster, your brain oxygenates and your tense muscles relax. But stretching is more than that!
What is stretching?
Stretching (i.e.stretching ) these are breathing activities, relaxing and stretching with relaxing music. They use simple asanas from classical yoga and elements of pilates. The trainer usually proposes - depending on the condition and advancement of the group - three versions of each exercise: easy, medium and difficult. Contrary to appearances, stretching is not a lazy form of fitness. You can get really tired by doing these exercises.
Who is stretching for?
These are activities for everyone, regardless of age. Especially recommended for those who are immobilized in one position for many hours - e.g. sitting at the computer or working standing up. Side effects of this lifestyle are cramped neck muscles and back problems. Also, those who train a lot in the gym need to stretch their bodies because their muscles are very tight. It is best that they start stretching classes immediately after strength training. Then their muscles will work better, they will become more flexible and less susceptible to injuries. Strength training shortens the muscles and makes them more visible. Stretching the opposite way: stretches them. This is why men who want to quickly gain visible muscles avoid stretching. However, stretching, like Pilates - slims the entire figure and allows the muscles to be scratched nicely.
What gives stretching?
Stretching is great for the whole body. It stretches all muscle groups, makes them more flexible and increases joint mobility. Ladies quickly notice that they have lost a lot. Notit is, however, the effect of weight reduction, but muscle stretching, i.e. slimming the figure. That is why they look neat in the mirror, fit into smaller clothes, although their weight is almost identical, and sometimes slightly larger - because muscles develop under the influence of training. But the body is in much better shape.
Types of stretching:
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