Do you miss your dream figure, but find it difficult to force yourself to exercise regularly? Find out about 5 ways that will increase your motivation and make you train regularly. Choose the tips that suit you best and never put off training for tomorrow again!

Achieving your fitness goals is impossible without proper motivation. But what to do when the enthusiasm for exercises from training to training is decreasing?

How to motivate yourself to actwhen you want to exercise less and less?

Here are some proven and effective ways!

How to increase motivation to exercise:

METHOD 1.Start imagining yourself in your dream form. Exactlyspecify the goalthat you will strive for. Think about specific benefits and name them. Imagine how you will feel and how it will affect your surroundings when you achieve the desired results. Will you be more confident? Or maybe you will wear your favorite dress that you don't fit into today?

METHOD 2.Make an action plan that you associate well - let it be, for example, in the form of a colorful collage. If you do not enjoy the exercises at the beginning,use the so-called sandwich : plan your workouts so that they are among other activities that are pleasant for you.

Try the Best Beginner Workouts:

  • Slimming interval training at home
  • Running for Beginners - 10-Week Training Plan
  • Zumba - simple merengue layout for beginners

METHOD 3.If you have problems with motivation, you can also solve them by takingparticipation in group training(e.g. spinning, aqua aerobics ). Joint effort and competition is an effective means of motivation.

Additionally, find a person in the immediate vicinity to whom you will tell about your decision. You can also ask her to cheer you on and even account for your progress.

METHOD 4.The best way to fade away motivation iscooperation with a personal trainer , who will not allow you to abandon your dreams of a beautiful silhouette. Besides, the trainer adjusts the exercises according to the condition, age and levelexercise, and observes all the reactions of the body and changes the sets of exercises, depending on the needs.

Read: Personal trainer - how to distinguish a good trainer from an amateur

If you do not want to spend money on a personal trainer, you can download a free training application from the Internet, e.g. Endomondo-thanks to this you will be able to follow your progress and set new goals training.

METHOD 5. Regular body measurementsand seeing better and better results can also be an incentive to stay active. For example, if your stomach is too big, measure its circumference at the beginning. Write down the numbers on a piece of paper. Perform subsequent measurements every 7 days. At first the differences will be small, but when you compare the first result and the result after 4-5 weeks, you will find that the effects are already visible. This will increase your enthusiasm for the next training!
